Wednesday, March 24

Transformation of America

THANK GOD FOR THE LIBERALS...  except the Liberals do not believe in God or in the resurrection or in the life everlasting...  what they believe in is the HERE AND NOW...

BUT... back to the main point...  the LIBERALS are turning America upside down...  and, in the process they will destroy all the good that was the United States of America and believe me...  I for one am glad that they are doing this.

I may be white, but I am ashamed that I am white and I am ashamed that I was raised in a lower middle class family and I am ashamed that I enlisted in the military and I am ashamed that I have an MBA...  because all I can think about is that my life should have been given to a BLACK PERSON and I should have been raised in the ghettos of NYC or Chicago or Baltimore or Cleveland...

I am ashamed that I had an average life and through my own merits was able to live better than a black person.

I am ashamed that my white ancestors were slave owners and that they created a Constitution that favors white people...   and, I hope that the blacks will one day become our leaders and pay back the white people with the same abuse that they suffered...

THANK GOD FOR THE LIBERALS because they are allowing thousands of immigrants to enter the United States without kind of vetting...   and, it is my hope that these immigrants will stay in the United States for the rest of their lives and that our United States Government will financially take care of them and their families forever.  

It is my hope that our Federal Government will give them free food, free shelter, free clothing, free education, free healthcare, and a guaranteed annual income that equals the average monthly wage of our American Workers so that they will never have to work another day in their lives...


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