Monday, August 16

AMERICA: Living Off the Government

One of the main lessons that my parents engrained and/or imprinted upon me was the concept of NEVER LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT...  to pull myself up from my own bootstraps, calling upon family or friends for help, if necessary, but never the government.

However, under the Biden Administration and the new Progressive Democrats, our Federal Government has put itself in a position of attempting to arrange as many Americans as possible to start living off the government with:

  • unemployment benefits
  • healthcare benefits
  • food stamp benefits
  • education benefits
  • housing benefits

And...  the biggest problem that all of this spending has created in not just inflation but an increase in the National Debt and a DEVALUATION of the American Dollar...  while at the same time CHINA is putting pressure on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to change the international currency of trade from the US Dollar to the Chinese YUAN...

The Democratic THEORY is that the WEALTHY AMERICANS are going to be paying for this...  Most of the Democrats are themselves WEALHY...  do you really believe that they are going to increase taxes on THEMSELVES???

If you think they wealthy will pay...  then, I wonder what you will want to do when you realize that you were WRONG...

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