Showing posts with label Federal Government. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federal Government. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20

What Does the Federal Government Do?

Only the federal government can regulate interstate and foreign commerce, declare war and set taxing, spending and other national policies.

These actions often start with legislation from Congress, made up of the 435-member House of Representatives and the 100-member U.S. Senate. Each of the 50 states receives two senators regardless of its population size. The number of representatives each state receives depends on the state’s population. Bills that Congress approves then go to the president to sign into law or reject with a veto.

The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the laws Congress makes. It is made up of the president and his or her advisers, as well as multiple departments and agencies. The departments are each headed by a secretary, whom the president appoints with the advice and consent of the Senate. The U.S. has more than a dozen departments, and they each take on a specific set of duties. The Treasury Department’s duties, for example, include printing and regulating money.

The president also serves as commander­-in-­chief of the United States Armed Forces. That means the president directs how military weapons will be used, where to deploy troops and where ships are sent. The military’s generals and admirals take their direction from the president.

This graphic summarizes the kinds of entities in each branch of government.(State Dept./ J. Maruszewski)

The Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the U.S. and assures the American people of equal justice under law. The court’s nine justices — one chief judge and eight associate judges — interpret the law, in a fair and impartial manner, when disagreements arise on the legality of a law that Congress approves, a regulation that a federal agency implements or other matters.

The Constitution empowers the president, who is elected by the entire nation, to nominate justices. These justices require Senate confirmation to uphold the checks and balances among the branches of government.

“The Founders separated power because they knew it was the best way to protect our citizens and keep our Constitution secure,” President Trump said at the 2017 swearing-in of Justice Neil Gorsuch, whom the president nominated to the Supreme Court.

Landmark decisions from the Supreme Court shape American life, and their ramifications are still felt today. They include the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case, which outlawed racial segregation in public schools.

The three branches of the federal government get together at the U.S. Capitol when the president delivers the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. That speech represents an opportunity for the president to lay out an agenda for the coming year. These addresses are traditionally held in January or February after the new session of Congress convenes. President Trump’s third State of the Union address took place on February 4.

Wednesday, September 15

Fifty Percent Versus Fifty Percent

I am 73 years old, born in 1947 and this is the first time that I have ever seen this country SO DIVIDED outside of the HIPPIE PROTESTS of the 1960's...  which was not really a 50/50 division at all but more of a ONE GROUP DISAGREEMENT...  however, the only positive thing that came out of the 1960's was the lyrics of the rock and roll music.

I have been retired since 2015 and to be quite honest with you (implying I have not been honest before) I have not voted in an election here in the USA for over 20 years.  The original reason was so that I would not be called for JURY DUTY but then over the years, I have not been able to support either the Democrats or the Republicans.

WHY?  This is an easy answer:  Nothing has changed in this country since the 1960's as we basically have the same problems today (2021) that we had  back then...  and that is the fault of BOTH PARTIES.

BUT...  it seems that we have a bigger problem here in the US of A and that is that we are divided RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE...  half are liberal and democrat and half are conservative and republican with a handful of socialists and libertarians who bitch the loudest but who are in essence ignored behind the scenes...  as if they are spoiled children.

This division in the US of A while a natural by product of DEMOCRACY and our Democratic Republic form of government and is more or less a healthy expression of one's beliefs...  is a source of pleasure for our enemies because it is much easier to take over a country if that country is divided.

The other issue with a equally divided country is that neither party who has governmental control really has a mandate from all of the people to do whatever it is that they want to do...  This lack of support causes an upheaval in direction every 4 years and keeps the residents of the country angry at each other rather than divided.

However, what remains constant is that THE WEALTHY will continue to get WEALTHIER as we ignore them and fight among each other.  The second issue here is that TECHNOLOGY will continue to advance and the general public will be caught off guard when AI ROBOTS replace 50% of their jobs in just a few years.  

These advances in TECHOLOGY will change our lives forever...  some for the better and some for the worst as we adapt, change, and modify our behaviors.

What is even more hideous is the fact that while our Federal Government spends money (that it does not have) to give the people (you and I) more benefits, this same government will NOT BE PUTTING INCREASES OF MONEY INTO THE MILITARY while China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea will be ignoring their citizens and beefing up their militaries.

What does this mean?

This means that while you will have FREE EDUCATION, FREE DAY CARE, and a FREE GUARANTEED INCOME, the global economy will shift away from the USA and move east towards Russia, China, India, Asia, Japan, and parts of Europe and the Middle East...  rendering your free education WORTHLESS for all intents and purposes.

How will this happen?

Our Federal Government COUNTS on your short term focus rather than on your long term focus of 10 years or more.

One of the facts-of-life, that I realize after living for 73 years is that TIME MOVES QUICKLY by us all and the older we become, the quicker time seems to move.  In no time at all, I am in my 70's when my last really congnizant thoughts about all of this, I was in my 50's...  and, while you may just think it is just me and my behavior...  but, this is a comment you hear for ALL OLDER PEOPLE which is why they encourage you to live for the day and pursue your dreams.

Friday, May 14


 How much do you want to share?

Right now...  we have to have a drivers license when we drive and a passport when we travel overseas...  however, a passport cannot be used as a substitute for a drivers license.  Should we now have some kind of proof that we have had all our SHOTS?

AND...  how far will this go...  in the sense of our Federal Government knowing our private and personal data.?

Personally, I don't give a shit what the government knows or does not know my private and/or personal data...  at my age, it just does not matter...  I've got nothing to save and nothing to prove....  so, who cares what they know or do not know about me...  I certainly don't care...


there are a lot of people who do care about what the government knows or does not know...  even when they too have nothing to hide...  it is just the fact that this knowledge is and should be private.  And, it should be up to each individual what information they want to share or not want to share...

In other words, it is OUR RIGHT to share if we want to NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S right...  and, therein lies the problem...

In this sense, I do not want our Government to know anything more about me than they absolutely need to know...  IT IS NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS.

Tuesday, April 6

It's Just The Way It Is

It really does not matter what our Federal Government wants to do anymore because whatever it is that they do will not really impact a majority of Americans other than increasing taxes.  Taxes pretty much effects everyone, but if we move into actual socialism what will change?  The poor will get more but they still will not have as much as the rest of us.

The poor will still be able to afford to do any of the following:
  • Attend musical concerts
  • Professional Sports Events
  • Buy a $200,000 homes
  • Buy a Luxury Cars
  • Book passage on Cruise Ship
  • Fly to Europe or Hawaii
  • Join the Country Club
  • Buy new clothes every year
  • Pay down their debt
  • Earn a 6 figure income
  • Gamble at Los Vegas

NOTE:  however it is possible to get seats in the nose bleed section of an outdoor arena and stadium but it is doubtful that the individual will be able to see unless there is a large movie screen...  and, if you are watching the action on a screen, it is really no better than staying home.

There is always the possibility that poor people can borrow money to do these things but after a while their credit will sour when they don't pay anything off.

Still...  if this new administration grants free college tuition to people then those poor people who dropped out of high school or just barely graduated from high school will be able to attend college...  but, are the odds on their side to pass courses?  YES...  because the schools they are attending will DUMB DOWN education for them.

The other question is will they get hired by employers and if so, how long will they remain employed when they have trouble producing?

As Americans receive more and more from their Federal Government, people like me who are RETIRED and don't need anything more, will also receive more from their Federal Government...  and, since our income is low, our tax burden is low as well.

TAXES will come from CORPORATIONS and the WEALTHY...

But, will the WEALTHY be allowed to put their money in offshore accounts to reduce their tax burdens?

And, will CORPORATION hire less people and/or increase prices to compensate for higher taxes?

Whatever happens will happen and whatever happens was supposed to happen from the getgo...  because...


Thursday, March 25

 We don't care if government is layered with bureaucracy 

and incredibly inefficient...

  • We demand bigger and bigger government
  • We demand higher and higher taxes on the wealthy
  • We demand an end to corporate greed and profits
  • We demand higher wages and lower costs
  • We demand increased employment for the unqualified
  • We demand higher quality products
  • We demand an end to built-in obsolescence
  • We demand an end to CEO bonuses
  • We demand an end to employee at will laws
  • We demand a 4 day work week
  • We demand 4 week paid vacations
  • We demand 2 weeks paid sick leave
  • We demand no weekend work
  • We demand more minority hiring
  • We demand more minority in management
  • We demand an end to time cards
  • We demand 50% of base pay for retirees
  • We demand that all products be made in USA
  • We demand that all out-of-pocket medical expenses be paid by the employers
  • We demand that labor hires management
  • We demand that employees be give stock options at reduced prices

Our Federal Government should CONTROL IT ALL...  The Democrats and the LIBERALS know what's best for AMERICANS...  They like to spend money and I for one like to receive money...  let the wealthy pay for it.

Wednesday, March 24

Transformation of America

THANK GOD FOR THE LIBERALS...  except the Liberals do not believe in God or in the resurrection or in the life everlasting...  what they believe in is the HERE AND NOW...

BUT... back to the main point...  the LIBERALS are turning America upside down...  and, in the process they will destroy all the good that was the United States of America and believe me...  I for one am glad that they are doing this.

I may be white, but I am ashamed that I am white and I am ashamed that I was raised in a lower middle class family and I am ashamed that I enlisted in the military and I am ashamed that I have an MBA...  because all I can think about is that my life should have been given to a BLACK PERSON and I should have been raised in the ghettos of NYC or Chicago or Baltimore or Cleveland...

I am ashamed that I had an average life and through my own merits was able to live better than a black person.

I am ashamed that my white ancestors were slave owners and that they created a Constitution that favors white people...   and, I hope that the blacks will one day become our leaders and pay back the white people with the same abuse that they suffered...

THANK GOD FOR THE LIBERALS because they are allowing thousands of immigrants to enter the United States without kind of vetting...   and, it is my hope that these immigrants will stay in the United States for the rest of their lives and that our United States Government will financially take care of them and their families forever.  

It is my hope that our Federal Government will give them free food, free shelter, free clothing, free education, free healthcare, and a guaranteed annual income that equals the average monthly wage of our American Workers so that they will never have to work another day in their lives...