Showing posts with label National Debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Debt. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9

Relax... Don't Worry...

Dan Bongino took Rush Limbaugh's spot on talk radio and moved from NYC to Florida and is a regular guest on FOX News...  Today he was interviewed on FOX News as a result of the FBI's raid of former President Trump's home in Florida...   claiming that Trump took classified documents when he left the Whitehouse, knowing that his defense would be, I declassified them before I left office...  but they did the deed anyway.

Dan was LIVID, to say the least and while he said that he was a conservative and therefore a Republican but not because of the current Republicans in Congress because they are a DO NOTHING group of politicians and need to immediately be removed.  Dan said the GOP now TALKS BOLD AND BIG but when it comes to action, they accomplish nothing.

Dan Bongino pretty much reflects my sentiments about all of the Congressional Republicans except for Lindsey Graham and a couple of others that FOX News interviews regularly...

The Democrats play dirty but piss, bitch, and moan when others play dirty against them...

The Democrats lie and really do not feel guilty about their lies as they continue to make these lies daily...

The Democrats are moving closer and closer to a Socialistic form of government where the government provides you with everything -- just like the movie/show STAR TREK...

The Democrats have mainstream media covering the ASSES, networks like CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, PBR...

If this is the kind of government that you want...  then have it...  and, the reason that I say this is because HISTORICALLY all socialistic governments FAIL...

History always repeats itself whether we like it or not and regardless if this is what some of want or don't want...

In order to have a socialistic government, two things have to happen.

First - the government must insure that it can collect taxes from the WEALTHY in order to pay for the socialistic society...  USA millionaires and billionaires already have their money shelter away from taxes in the Grand Caymans.

Second - the government must insure that ALL BUSINESSES will be willing to pay their fair share of whatever...  or be taken over (OWNED) by the federal government...  then the government can manage the business any way they like.

Do you really think first or second will happen in the US of A?

Right now, about 70% of what we receive is considered to already be SOCIALISTIC in nature, such as:

  • Public Education
  • Public Transportation
  • Public Parks and Recreation
  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • Unemployment Insurance

These programs already cost the country so much money that we are ASSHOLE deep in debt with CHINA owning ONE-THIRD of that debt...  can you imagine that China owns 1/3 of our debt?

What do we do when they DEMAND their money back?

Saturday, September 18

Our National Debt

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday warned congressional leaders that the U.S. is on track to default on the national debt in October if the White House and Congress are unable to raise the debt limit.

In a Wednesday letter, Yellen said that the Treasury Department would likely run out of cash and exhaust “extraordinary” measures to keep the federal government within its legal borrowing limit at some point next month.

"Once all available measures and cash on hand are fully exhausted, the United States of America would be unable to meet its obligations for the first time in our history," Yellen said.

“Given this uncertainty, the Treasury Department is not able to provide a specific estimate of how long the extraordinary measures will last. However, based on our best and most recent information, the most likely outcome is that cash and extraordinary measures will be exhausted during the month of October,” she continued.

Yellen wrote the letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

The Treasury Department has taken so-called extraordinary measures to prevent the U.S. from defaulting on the national debt since the federal debt limit was reimposed on Aug. 1. If the Treasury Department runs out of ways to stave off a default without borrowing more money, the inability of the U.S. to pay its debts could send debilitating shockwaves through the financial system.  READ MORE

Monday, August 16

AMERICA: Living Off the Government

One of the main lessons that my parents engrained and/or imprinted upon me was the concept of NEVER LIVING OFF THE GOVERNMENT...  to pull myself up from my own bootstraps, calling upon family or friends for help, if necessary, but never the government.

However, under the Biden Administration and the new Progressive Democrats, our Federal Government has put itself in a position of attempting to arrange as many Americans as possible to start living off the government with:

  • unemployment benefits
  • healthcare benefits
  • food stamp benefits
  • education benefits
  • housing benefits

And...  the biggest problem that all of this spending has created in not just inflation but an increase in the National Debt and a DEVALUATION of the American Dollar...  while at the same time CHINA is putting pressure on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to change the international currency of trade from the US Dollar to the Chinese YUAN...

The Democratic THEORY is that the WEALTHY AMERICANS are going to be paying for this...  Most of the Democrats are themselves WEALHY...  do you really believe that they are going to increase taxes on THEMSELVES???

If you think they wealthy will pay...  then, I wonder what you will want to do when you realize that you were WRONG...

Tuesday, August 10

Free College

Many of us who did not have financially well off parents or who felt financially responsible for themselves, worked while we were attending college, especially to avoid receiving government grants that had to paid off.

Personally, I spent a couple of years in the military during the Vietnam War and used the GI Bill to supplement the cost of tuition as it increased from year-to-year.

There is also the feeling that if you have to pay for your own college education, not only will you learn more, but your grades will reflect that you have learned more...  whereas, if someone else is paying, you do not have the same incentive to do well.

there is a more menacing issue here with free college education that has nothing to do with money...  it revolves around the retention of knowledge and the difficulty of acquiring that knowledge.

For Example,
In 1980, I was awarded my MBA after passing with at least a "B" 60 hours of college credit.
In 2020, a student can receive their MBA after passing with a "C" only 30 hours of college credit.

Instead of education becoming more rigorous, it has become less rigorous and my concern is that if education is now free for ALL regardless of their intellectual capabilities then, in order to received Government monies, eductors will DUMB DOWN education even more and make sure EVERYONE PASSES...

This is EDUCATIONAL MALPRACTICE and our society is going to pay the price for it when we try to complete in a global marketplace with international graduates who have pass rigorous academic standards at their schools...


Tuesday, March 23

COVID Relief Stimulus

My wife and I have received individually the following monies:  $1,200, $600, and $1,400 for a total of $3,200 each or as a couple $6,400...  and, while we are appreciative for these tax payer funds, we did not need the money in order to pay our monthly bills or to compensate for not working because both of us have been retired for a little over 5 years and were currently relying on Social Security Payments as well as our Savings as well as a Trust Fund that was set up for us by our parents.

Neither my wife nor I live HIGH ON THE HOG as they saying goes but we have enough money each month to pay our bills, save a little money, go on 6 weekly vacations each year, and go out to a restaurant once or twice a week...  we also have sufficient funds to pay for any unexpected expenses that we have already encountered or will encounter in the near future.

While COVID relief packages by both the Trump and Biden administrations have been received, all of these monies are in our savings account and there are no plans to spend these monies anytime soon.  Of course, one could easily say that we are spending these monies and saving our other monthly income, but the fact remains that we did not need these monies to survive and will not be spending these monies to somehow improve our lifestyle

OFF THE RECORD:  I am really concerned about our Government Spending and how our National Debt is increasing to the point that it will be financially dangerous for America.  This concern targets both parties and is seen as being financially irresponsible.  However, regardless of what happens to our Federal Government and our National Debt and potential consequences, it will not impact my wife or I to any great extent...  which is exactly why we continue to save money.

Monday, March 22

Our National Debt

Our government acquires money through a variety of sources:
  • Individual Taxes
  • Corporate Taxes
  • Gasoline Taxes
  • Sales Taxes
  • Capital Gains Taxes
  • Estate Taxes
  • Import/export Tariffs 
  • Fines and Fees
  • Selling Treasury Securities (bills, notes, bonds)
Treasuries have different maturities and are seemingly stable.  Banks are required to hold a certain quantity of Treasuries as a provision against market collapse.  Treasuries are popular in the global marketplace because the US dollar is the world's reserve currency...  and, got that status because of all the spending that the US did during WWII.

Foreign investors own half the US debt and the majority foreign investor is CHINA which owns about $1.1 Trillion.

if the US debt gets too big or the rest of the world loses faith in the US and the dollar is no longer considered as the world's reserve currency, the the US will have a problem paying the interest it owes or much worse lose its ability to borrow more money.

Another scenario might be numerous countries selling off their Treasuries all at once...  if that happens then it would be more difficult for the US to borrow money and the money that it did borrow would be most costly.

The biggest concern with growing debt is the potential for inflation that might become inflation out of control and that would cause the global to reassess its view of the US and the strength of that economy.  Since China has the second largest global economy, the world could turn to China for stability, turning their backs on the US.

UNFORTUNATELY, no one seems to be concerned that an outcome like this will ever take place in the US in the near future.

Wednesday, March 3

New Covid Relief Bill -- $1.9 Trillion

PERSONALLY...  I like the fact that OUR CONGRESS is going to pass this huge bill because it is going to benefit me and my wife who don't really need the money because we are retired, but more importantly, it is going to be paid for by the WEALTHY...  who typically DO NOT WANT TO SHARE their money with anyone else unless it is a charity for a tax deduction...

I also like the fact that in order to pay for this Relief Bill, the US Government will go deeper in debt but that this debt will not be paid for by us but by our grandchildren and their children...

If this seems selfish...  then you are missing the HEART and SOUL of my SARCASM...

On May 1, 2021, the first 100 days of the Biden Administration will be over and it is my belief that the mainstream media as well as the general public will finally see and understand that LIBERAL POLITICS is not good for our country, its economy, its military, its education, and its culture.

CENSORSHIP undermines our FREEDOMS OF SPEECH and sends our country dangerous close to becoming a one party communist country who controls its citizens by controlling their livelihoods and wellbeing.   Once freedom is lost, it is difficult to get it back...

BUT AGAIN...  we always get what we deserve...

Saturday, November 21

Where Do Our Taxes Go?

Information provided by USA TODAY...

Biggest tax spenders

Total spending by the federal government in 2018 was $4.22 trillion. But some programs actually raised money, such as leases for the Outer Continental Shelf, which lowered the total 2018 outlay to $4.11 trillion.

The majority of tax dollars helps to fund defense, Social Security, Medicare, health programs and social safety net programs such as food stamps and disability payments, along with paying off interest on the national debt.

Here’s how it breaks down.
  1. Social Security: $987.8 billion or 23.4% of total federal spending
  2. National defense: $631.2 billion or 15% of total spending
  3. Medicare: $588.7 billion or 14% of total spending
  4. Health: $551.2 billion or 13.1% of total spending
  5. Social safety net programs: $495.3 billion or 11.8% of total spending
  6. Interest on debt: $325 billion or 7.7% of total spending
* * * * * * * * * * 
What really surprised me was that Social Security represented more of our Federal Budget than what we spend on our NATIONAL DEFENSE...

AND...  if you look closely at all the programs that are actually forms of SOCIALISM, you will easily see that 62% of our tax dollars goes in that direction.  Only 15% is spent on our protection and less than 8% is spend on our NATIONAL DEBT which is increasing because of all the social welfare type programs.

NOW...  when I think about it, I am very pleased that our tax dollars are spent this way because I am living off of Social Security and Medicare pays all my healthcare bills along with my supplement...

I personally spend about $600 each month on medical expenses or about $7,200 each year and because of me having two cancers, my medical bills are approximately $500,000 each year which as you can imagine is a very good deal.

AND...  when Biden and Harris finally take over the reigns of government, I feel confident that my Social Security will increase along with my Medicare Benefits putting me into a much better financial situation.

AND...   as long as we keep what the government pays on our NATIONAL DEBT, it will be FUTURE GENERATIONS that will be responsible for paying it off...  which pleases me and it should please you.

Tuesday, November 3

Recently Wondering

To tell you the truth...  (actually implies that I have not been telling you the truth before...  but, is still a phrase that is commonly used in the South)...  I wonder often but recently I have been wondering about what might happen to AMERICA if President Trump DOES NOT WIN his bid for re-election...

Not only will the Democrats win the Presidency but they could win control of the HOUSE as well as the SENATE and if that is the case, AMERICA will change...  and, in my opinion will change for the WORSE not for the BETTER...  but again, this is one's perception...

First of all...
Biden will DO AWAY with Trump's TAX CUTS which will impact everyone even those that do not make enough money to be considered in Biden's tax increases

Second of all...
Biden will be influence by the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS who will push for MEDICARE FOR ALL and while that is a positive humanitarian effort for everyone, it will stretch our medical resources beyond their current limits.  It will be like everyone going to the ER instead of their family doctors.

Other ACTIONS...
  • A Civil War between Political Party Supporters will take place throughout the country
  • Washington, DC and Puerto Rico could become States which will submit Democrats to the House and to the Senate
  • Legislation towards severely limiting the Second Amendment will be passed
  • Legislation towards opening our borders to unlimited immigration will be passed
  • Legislation towards tearing down the border wall will be passed
  • Legislation toward expanding the Supreme Court will be passed
  • Legislation towards preventing Republicans from ever gaining a majority will be passed
  • Legislation towards free college education will be passed
  • Legislation towards a guaranteed income will be passed
  • Legislation towards going GREEN will be passed
  • Legislation towards redistributing law enforcement monies will be passed
  • Legislations towards paying black reparations for slavery will be passed
  • Legislation towards reducing the military will be passed

  1. Biden will fall ill and Kamala Harris will become President
  2. Russia will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  3. China will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  4. North Korea will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  5. Trade deals will be negotiated that do not favor Americans
  6. NATO will no longer trust America's Military Support
  7. Terrorism will no longer fear America's retaliations
  8. A college education in America will be damn near worthless
  9. America's NATIONAL DEBT will increase beyond its ability to pay back
  10. The worth of the American Dollar will decrease

Tuesday, October 13

Americans For Tax Reform

"I would be going about eliminating Donald Trump's tax cut for the wealthy," Biden said on the debate stage.

This is at least the ninth time that Biden has threatened to repeal the TCJA.

Biden’s promise to repeal the tax cuts is a promise to raise taxes. If the tax cuts were repealed:

  1. A family of four earning the median income of $73,000 would see a $2,000 tax increase.

  2. A single parent (with one child) making $41,000 would see a $1,300 tax increase.

  3. Millions of low and middle-income households would be stuck paying the Obamacare individual mandate tax.

  4. Utility bills would go up in all 50 states as a direct result of the corporate income tax increase.

  5. Small employers will face a tax increase due to the repeal of the 20% deduction for small business income.

  6. The USA would have the highest corporate income tax rate in the developed world.

  7. Taxes would rise in every state and every congressional district.

  8. The Death Tax would ensnare more families and businesses.

  9. The AMT would snap back to hit millions of households.

  10. Millions of households would see their child tax credit cut in half.

  11. Millions of households would see their standard deduction cut in half, adding to their tax complexity as they are forced to itemize their deductions and deal with the shoebox full of receipts on top of the refrigerator.

At some point-in-time, Americans are going to have to pay down the National Debt or tell CHINA who owns ONE THIRD of our debt to go SCREW THEMSELVES...

As any family knows who has debt like a mortgage, education, vehicle, or medical, increasing that debt is HARMFUL to the family...

America cannot expect nor can they FORCE the WEALTHY to pay off America's Debt...  however, there will be some wealthy individuals and families who feel an obligation to pay off America's Debts but a vast majority of the wealthy will not just refuse to do this but will shelter their money in such a way that they will be unable to help.

The stimulus monies that the government paid out are only the beginning of our debt profile as we anticipate a BIDEN victory in November...  and, when that is confirmed, America will gradually but consistently pay out more and more money and try to increase taxes to the point that BUSINESS will begin to push back...

In some areas of the US, we will resemble a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY in the way our residents will be living...  but, the rest of us will not care...  because we are not living like that yet...