Showing posts with label Debt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debt. Show all posts

Monday, May 3

Not Our Fault

There is a crisis at our Southern Borders with the influx of Immigration from Mexico, Central and South America, many of whom cross over into the United States illegally and President Biden says that it is not my fault...  even though it is on his watch that it is happening...  and, even though he has reversed all the restrictions that the previous administration had imposed...  yet, it is not his fault...

I don't mean to be rude, but that is a careless, reckless, and a totally irresponsible and illogical statement to make...

How many days, months, years will it take for the present administration to STOP BLAMING THE PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATION?

AND...  how long will it take for mainstream media to come to their senses and realize how stupid these comments really are because it does not reflect the reality of the situation...

The irresponsible mainstream media believes beyond a shadow of a legal and reportable doubt that:::>

  • Liberals good
  • Conservatives bad
  • Democrats good
  • Republicans bad


The Liberals, Democrats, and Progressive Democrats basically believe that a large Federal Government is good while a small Federal Government is bad...  and that everything that society needs should be paid for by the wealthy regardless of whether or not the wealthy approve of that logic.

First...  let me state that government bureaucracy is more incompetent than it is competent.  Government workers are not effective or efficient in their output because being fired or reprimanded is never going to happen so why should they work hard?

Second...  the wealthy for the most part is not stupid or ignorant and knowing that they are going to be heavily taxed by the Democrats, understand that they MUST HIDE THEIR MONEY in tax shelters to substantially reduce their tax burden.

Third...  the rest of the world does not give a shit about our internal problems other than the fact that it is easier to take over and/or surpass a divided country than it is a united country.

Fourth.... having a little debt is necessary and offers a certain degree of financial leverage but having a lot of debt is financially irresponsible and will eventually bite those in debt in the ASS and that bite is like a snapping turtle...  it ain't about to loosen its grip.

Tuesday, April 28


In Financial Planning Part II, I talked about 401K's and the money that they could provide for you in retirement and while they are not the best source a savings, they are a source of savings and if your employers offers you one and is matching then put into 401K as much money as you need to in order to receive your employer's maximum match.

This post is about DEBT.

Debt will SUCK the life out of all families and their future, not to mention monies needed for a retirement that you are probably not even thinking about.

You must eliminate your debt!

Right now you are probably thinking how in the hell am I going to do that?

You can start by:

  1. quit buying cigarettes if you still smoke
  2. stop drinking alcohol everyday - maybe only on the weekends
  3. stop going out to lunch at work
  4. stop buying stuff you don't really need
  5. be frugal in your purchases
These 5 items will get you started but what do you do with the money that you are saving?

You pay off your debt?

Let's suppose that you have the following debt?
  • mortgage @ $1,000/month
  • car loan @ $400/month
  • school loans @ $300/month
  • credit card @ $200/month
Recommended Approach:
  1. Pay off credit card debt first with money you have scrounged up
  2. Use money you have scrounged up with credit card debt money to pay off school loans
  3. Use scrounged up, credit card, & school loan monies to pay off car loan
  4. Use all those monies to pay off mortgage
  5. Save all debt reducing monies to save for RETIREMENT

Not possible you claim...

Bullshit...  I say...  and, I know it can be done because I have done it...
I found ways to save money first.
Then I worked a second job.

After debt was paid off, I did two things:
     First - I renovated house for retirement with half the money
     Second - I saved the other half of the money