Friday, September 17

Saluting Biden's Leadership


The Supreme Leader of the United States and her military forces is President Joe Biden...  who has been accused of NOT BEING RIGHT ON FOREIGN POLICY FOR THE LAST FOUR DECADES...

Be that as it may, our President Biden has accomplished the following in less that 10 months in office:

  • Opened our borders to non stop immigration
  • Spent so much money that it has caused inflation
  • Slowed down our economic recovery after COVID
  • Mandated COVID Vaccines
  • Botched the Afghanistan withdrawal
  • Caused our global allies to lose respect
  • Raised taxes on everyone
  • Censored the conservative voices
  • Promoted Critical Race Theory and being WOKE
  • Caused Americans to be more divided
  • Failed on climate change

We have 3 more years of this clown and there is no telling what he has yet to accomplish...  and, this comment in tongue-in-cheek and is more surreal than bestowing praise...  and, what bothers me more than anything else about this country, is the fact that so many people we against TRUMP and did everything they could to remove him from office...

We have gone from BAD TO WORSE...

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