Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts

Monday, February 7

The Black Boom

Economic inequality continues to be one of the most hotly debated topics in America, but there has been relatively little discussion of the fact that black-white gaps in joblessness, income, poverty, and other measures were shrinking prior to the pandemic.

Why was it happening, and why did this phenomenon go unacknowledged by so much of the media?

In The Black Boom, Jason L. Riley—acclaimed Wall Street Journal columnist and senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute—digs into the data and concludes that the economic lives of black people improved significantly under policies put into place during the Trump administration. To acknowledge as much is not to endorse the 45th president but rather to champion policies that achieve a clear moral objective shared by most Americans.

As Riley argues in The Black Boom: “Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, the economic fortunes of blacks improved under Trump to an extent that was not only unseen under Obama but unseen going back several generations. Black unemployment and poverty reached historic lows, and black wages increased at a faster clip than white wages.”

Less inequality is something that everyone wants, but disapproval of Trump’s personality and methods too often skewed the media’s appraisal of effective policies advocated by his c. If we want to make real progress in improving the lives of low-income minorities, says Riley, we must look beyond our partisan differences at what works and keep doing it. Unfortunately, many press outlets were unable or unwilling to do that.

As The Black Boom notes: “Political reporters were not unaware of this data. Rather, they chose to ignore or downplay it because it was inconvenient. In their view, Trump, because he was a Republican and because he was Trump, had it in for blacks, and thus his policy preferences would be harmful to minorities.

To highlight the fact that significant racial disparities were narrowing on his watch—that the administration’s tax and regulatory reforms were mainly boosting the working and middle classes rather than ‘the rich’—would have undermined a narrative that the media preferred to advance, regardless of its veracity.”

As with previous books in our New Threats to Freedom series, The Black Boom includes two essays from prominent experts who take issue with the author’s perspective. Juan Williams, a veteran journalist, and Wilfred Reilly, a political scientist, contribute thoughtful responses to Riley and show that it is possible to share a deep concern for disadvantaged groups in our society even while disagreeing on how best to help them.

The Black Boom exemplifies the calm, rational dialogue that Americans want and need at this moment in our history to understand which public policies best promote upward mobility for everyone.  SOURCE:  GOOGLE BOOKS

Saturday, December 11

Rainy Day Thoughts

 It is raining in the Valley today and quite naturally my thoughts turn to recent events of which we must all by now be aware...  Jussie Smolett was convicted on 5 of the 6 charges related to lying to the police about being mugged...

What I found most interesting about this case is that former President Obama, Presidential candidate Biden, and Vice Presidential candidate Harris ALL STATED how horrible it was for something like this to have happened here in America and blamed it all on President Trump for causing all this hatred to flourish.

Two years later and we find our that Jussie Smolett LIED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT, neither Obama, Biden, or Harris are commenting...  GO FIGURE???

FIRST THOUGHTSShould leaders jump to conclusions?

But...  what gets to me more than anything else is how EVERYONE has been and continues to blame Trump for everything...   now, I did not vote for him mind you, but I think the way he was treated was horrible, especially when one compares Trump to Biden in terms of accomplishments.

Thanks to Biden, we now have:

  • Highest inflation in 40 years
  • Highest Illegal Immigration in our history
  • A Supply Chain Shortage
  • Increases in urban crime and violence
  • Influx of illegal drugs from Mexico
  • Distrust of all our Allies
  • Repercussions of an Afghanistan withdrawal debacle
  • CRT being taught in public schools
  • Highest government spending ever
  • Potential of tax increases
  • Highest debt level ever
  • Judging people on color not character
  • People leaving law enforcement
  • A weakened military
  • A decreasing quality of education
  • A reduction of STEM students

Did Jussie Smolett cause all of this?  HELL NO...
Did Trump cause all of this?  HELL NO...

America is being influenced by Liberals, Progressives, and Radical Blacks who apparently do not like America as she presently has developed...   Sadly, no matter what anyone does whether it is conservatives, liberals, progressives, or blacks, THE WEALTHY will continue to get WEALTHY...  that is just the way that economies aamre set up...  The only way to keep the wealthy from getting wealthy is to have our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT own everything...

Can you imagine our Federal Government owning:
  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Dell
  • The Stock Market
  • ALL Banks
  • Walmart
  • Lowes
  • Hollywood
  • All music companies
  • Sam's
  • Starbucks
  • Dillards
  • John Deere
  • All airlines
  • All Train companies
  • All commerical bus companies
  • All Trucking companies
  • All grocery stores
  • All Professional Sports Teams

UNFORTUNATELY, most of us 80%-90% WILL NEVER BE WEALTHY no matter who owns what...

Democrats cannot stop the wealth

Republicans cannot stop the wealth

Progressives cannot stop the wealth

Blacks cannot stop the wealth

Socialism cannot stop the wealth

Wednesday, August 18


How Obama freed key Taliban leader in 2014 in prisoner swap despite pentagon warnings only for him to spearhead steaming take-over of Kabul

  • Former president released five Taliban commanders from Guantanamo in 2014
  • He promised US public Taliban Five would be stopped from harming Afghanistan
  • But one of them ended up brokering terms of US troop withdrawal this year
  • Khairullah Khairkhwa was sent to Qatar after detention camp but formed regime
  • He promised Biden's Afghanistan envoy that Taliban wouldn't launch offensive
  • But the warlords are now trying to track down Afghans who sided with allies
  • US soldier they were exchanged for has since been dishonourably discharged


PUBLISHED: 10:36 EDT, 17 August 2021 | UPDATED: 18:43 EDT, 17 August 2021

Thursday, September 3

Remembering Obama's Presidency

Barack Obama was President of the United States from 2009 to 2017 or 8 years.

Barack Hussein Obama II is an American politician and attorney who served as the 44th president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, Obama was the first African-American president of the United States. Wikipedia

What did Obama do for the Economy?
The economic policy of the Barack Obama administration was characterized by moderate tax increases on higher income Americans, designed to fund health care reform, reduce the federal budget deficit, and decrease income inequality. His first term (2009–2013) included measures designed to address the Great Recession and Subprime mortgage crisis, which began in 2007. These included a major stimulus package, banking regulation, and comprehensive healthcare reform. As the economy improved and job creation continued during his second term (2013–2017), the Bush tax cuts were allowed to expire for the highest income taxpayers and a spending sequester (cap) was implemented, to further reduce the deficit back to typical historical levels. The number of persons without health insurance was reduced by 20 million, reaching a record low level as a percent of the population. By the end of his second term, the number of persons with jobs, real median household income, stock market, and real household net worth were all at record levels, while the unemployment rate was well below historical average.  SOURCE:  Wikipedia

ATTENTION:  Look at the above chart and you will see that Obama did nothing to help improve higher positions among blacks from 2009-2017 while Asians and Hispanics were increasing substantially...  why do you think that was?

AND...  wasn't Joe Biden part of that decision making process?

BTW, the above chart was used in an article in July 2020 about Systemic Racism in America...  And so, if racism is systemic then it cannot be blamed on President Trump.  It must be blamed on the Presidents going back to 2004 (according to this chart) that PERPETUATED SYSTEMIC RACISM IN AMERICA AND OBAMA WAS PART OF THAT PROCESS...