Showing posts with label Immigration Crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Immigration Crisis. Show all posts

Monday, May 3

Day 3 at Destin

Yesterday was incredibly overcast and rather chilly on the Gulf Coast at the panhandle of Florida...and once again I am up at 7:00 am and after drinking a couple of YETI cups of coffee with Cappuccino Mix, I prepare 2 eggs with green onions, green peppers, turkey sausage, and mini tomatoes while watching FOX News on the local cable that is provided free-of-charge with the rental agreement.  And, once again I am inundated with the stupidity of the Democratic Party as I listen to unbiased news...  because I took the time to also compare my intake of news with CNN and CBS and have once again seen with my own two eyes and heard with my own two ears, a biased version of the news with much of the news omitted from broadcast...

And that censorship pisses me off, especially since I am a LIBERAL who thrives on TRUTH regardless of whether or not I like it or approve of the TRUTH...  as heard and understood.

I am fundamentally IN FAVOR OF providing goods and services to the poor and disadvantaged...  but, I am also fundamentally OPPOSED to going into debt in order to do this which includes TAXING THE WEALTHY to pay for this.  The wealthy should not be penalized financially simply because they are wealthy and lived their lives with the intent of becoming wealthy unlike those who lived their lives in order to avoid becoming wealthy.

If the wealthy want to share their wealth well that is altogether different.

We have a crisis with:

  • Illegal Immigration
  • National Debt Increase
  • Citizens using illegal drugs
  • A struggling economy
  • A divided country
  • Piss Poor Education K-12
  • China's building military
  • China's building economy
  • China/Russia/North Korea Alliance
  • China/Russia/Iran Alliance