Showing posts with label Mount Rushmore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mount Rushmore. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22

TEAR IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!


Mount Rushmore is a National Monument in the Black Hills region of South Dakota...  It was completed in 1941 under the direction of Gutzon Borglum and his son and depicts US Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln... 

We know that Washington and Jefferson were slave owners and while Lincoln did not own any slaves his wife's family owned slaves.  However, most historians will agree that Roosevelt was a racist and had no problems sharing his views with others...

CONSEQUENTLY...  this National Monument is the wake of the CANCEL CULTURE and the WOKE Mob needs to be torn down IMMEDIATELY...  otherwise, we will have a crisis on our hands that will negatively manifest itself as more and more blacks become aware of this national monument.

I would not have thought about this until the BLACKS brought it to my attention...  NOW, every time I think about Mt. Rushmore, I am going to think about my ancestors and how bad they treated blacks back then...  even though I do not know if my ancestors even owned slaves...  I am still going to feel bad for blacks...

If blacks want PITY from me because of what their ancestors endured through slavery...  then PITY they will have...  but, nothing else...  the rest they can earn by themselves...  PITY IS FREE...