Showing posts with label WOKE MOB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WOKE MOB. Show all posts

Thursday, April 22

TEAR IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!


Mount Rushmore is a National Monument in the Black Hills region of South Dakota...  It was completed in 1941 under the direction of Gutzon Borglum and his son and depicts US Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln... 

We know that Washington and Jefferson were slave owners and while Lincoln did not own any slaves his wife's family owned slaves.  However, most historians will agree that Roosevelt was a racist and had no problems sharing his views with others...

CONSEQUENTLY...  this National Monument is the wake of the CANCEL CULTURE and the WOKE Mob needs to be torn down IMMEDIATELY...  otherwise, we will have a crisis on our hands that will negatively manifest itself as more and more blacks become aware of this national monument.

I would not have thought about this until the BLACKS brought it to my attention...  NOW, every time I think about Mt. Rushmore, I am going to think about my ancestors and how bad they treated blacks back then...  even though I do not know if my ancestors even owned slaves...  I am still going to feel bad for blacks...

If blacks want PITY from me because of what their ancestors endured through slavery...  then PITY they will have...  but, nothing else...  the rest they can earn by themselves...  PITY IS FREE...

Monday, April 5

Cancel Me Please...

Cancel culture
(or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled".

Woke is a slang term that is easing into the mainstream from some varieties of a dialect called African American Vernacular English (sometimes called AAVE). In AAVE, awake is often rendered as woke, as in, “I was sleeping, but now I'm woke.” 'Woke' is increasingly used as a byword for social awareness.

As someone who earned a BA in English, the explanation of WOKE really bothers me because it is grammatically incorrect...  and yet, it is so popular that I would bet that WEBSTER's Dictionary will include it in their book going forward soon...

BUT...  right now these two concepts are filtering through America like a FART AT A SOCIAL GATHERING in a room with no windows.   

Almost everyday, I learn that something new has been cancelled because of one reason or another...  typically because they are beinjg referred to as RACIST...

The problem I have with being a RACIST is the fact that the only people who have been called RACISTS are WHITES...  I have never heard of a BLACK being called a RACIST...  and yet, RAP MUSIC LYRICS speak often about waging war against the whites and killing whites...  but, this is not RACIST...

It is this hypocrisy that will eventually kill the movement once people realize that they have been played as FOOLS...

It is my HOPE and DESIRE that the BLACK RACE cancels me...  and, the reason why I say this is because I don't want to find myself in public enjoying life in East TN...  and, not living in an urban area where BEING WOKE is destroying those cities...

CANCEL ME and keep me here...

Saturday, April 3

The Devil Came Out of Georgia

You would need to be half BRAIN DEAD if you do not know that Baseball's All Star Game was pulled out of Atlanta because the WOKE Mob believes that these new VOTING LAWS that the Georgia Legislature just recently passed are RACISTS...

Even President Biden said he supported moving the baseball game out of Georgia and along with President Biden Delta Airlines decided that they would use their corporate power to make Georgia regret what they did.

no one
not even the President of the United States
must have read the actual law because
everything that President Biden said on National TV about the law was a LIE...

What bothers me more than anything else is not so much that President Biden relied on advisors and still put his foot in his mouth but the CEO of Delta made his decision on something that was not true...  How many decisions has this CEO made during his tenure that was based upon data that was NOT TRUE...

It makes one wonder how the hell he got to be a CEO in the first place.

Atlanta may lose 100 million because of that game being moved...  but I am sure that Delta will be paying for it because the Governor is going to remove all of Delta's TAX BREAKS...  and, it is not going to be that easy to move Delta's HUB out of Atlanta and if they did...  where would they go?

Two things here are going to happen...  at least for me...
1.  I am going to stop flying on Delta
2.  I am going to stop watching MLB

Friday, March 5

Countries that Censor Freedom of Speech

TOP COUNTRIES that censor Freedom of Speech

1. Eritrea
2. North Korea
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Ethiopia
5. Azerbaijan
6. Vietnam
7. Iran
8. China
9. Myanmar
10. Cuba

all I can say here is aren't you glad that you live in the US of A...  where censorship does not happen...  and, opposing views are allowed to ripen on the vine like grapes and be harvested...

have I spoken too quickly?
Do we really have FREEDOM OF SPEECH here in the US of A where all views are tolerated...  Twenty years ago, I would have said yes!!!
Ten years ago, I would have said yes!!!
2015 changed everything here in the US of A...

LIBERAL VOICES, THOUGHTS, and OPINIONS are the only ones that are being tolerated these days...  and conservative voices, thoughts, and opinions are trying to be suppressed...

We are living in the years of the CANCEL CULTURE...
We are living in the years of the WOKE MOB...

It is these two groups who do not want opposing views...
It is these two groups who want only their voices to be heard...