Showing posts with label Freedom of Speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom of Speech. Show all posts

Friday, September 17

The Second Amendment

The amendment itself contains 27 words: 
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 
This provision references both the collective right of a militia and an individual right.

As a Vietnam Era Veteran, I defended the US Constitution and the freedoms contained therein...  two of which I am particularly keen about:  The First and Second Amendments indicating our:
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Right to bear arms

While I will never hold another gun in my hand as long as I live, I am NOT OPPOSED to everyone in the United States owning a firearm and going through a weapons safety class followed by firing range practice...  and, if they want to, apply for a carry permit.

Not only should law enforcement and criminals like drug dealers be armed with weapons, so too should our general public be armed with weapons.

Not only should white supremacist groups and black lives matter groups and ANTIFA be armed with weapons, so too should the general public be armed with weapons as well.

As we continue to promote DEFUND THE POLICE movements, we should also promote ARM YOURSELF WITH WEAPONS movements because it is necessary to meet force with an equal (but never greater) than the force being applied against us.

The GREAT CONCEPT about the United States is that we have the First and Second Amendments and as long as we have both those amendments and a willing general public to take advantage of those amendments, we SHALL NEVER BE CONTROLLED by either a foreign or domestic threat.

Monday, August 2

College Campuses: Freedom of Speech

From the moment I stepped foot on campus at NYU three years ago, I’ve been taught that there is right-think and wrong-think. 

Everywhere I look, professors, administrators and peers all fervently parrot the same beliefs.

I have sat through orientation events that were highly politicized, assuming “community values” of radical progressivism — values I don’t share.

On the first day of the semester, a professor blatantly disparaged conservative politicians and their supporters as uneducated and ignorant. 

Even Mayor de Blasio intervened in October of 2018 to prevent right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking to a class of about 25 freshmen about political correctness after the campus erupted in outrage and Antifa threatened to shut down the event.

My experience is not unique. Across the nation, professors are espousing their own views at the lectern and thrusting politicized curricula upon students, teaching them what to think rather than how to think. 

Meanwhile, speech codes, safe spaces, trigger warnings and the conflation of speech with violence have all had a discernibly chilling effect on campus discourse. NYU identification cards even prominently display a bias report hotline to report any instances of offense. 

The resulting fear of saying the wrong thing or being behind on the latest political lingo is palpable.  READ MORE

Thursday, March 25

Fixing America

After living almost three quarters of a century, I have developed the realization that American Democracy IS NOT a good form of government because it places the control in the hands of an intellectually ignorant public who has no idea what is best for them and could easily be persuaded to cast their votes in such a way that it eliminates their ability to have freedom of choice without fully understanding what they have done to themselves.  The American public is mentally lazy and politically and  economically void of any kind of intellectual commitment to acquire a working understanding of what needs to be done.

We should have a government where the general public has NO CONTROL at all like what is found in a Dictatorship or Communism.  Americans need to be told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it or else they will make bad choices.

After living almost three quarters of a century, I have come to the realization that Capitalism and our Free Market Enterprise system is COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE for Americans.  Capitalism has allowed 20% of the population to live a wealthy lifestyle while the remaining 80% live a lifestyle that is substantially less than what they deserve.

  • We don't need athletes that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need actors/actresses that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need musicians and singers that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need CEO's that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need physicians that are multi millionaires
  • We don't need public officials that are multi millionaires

It is the responsibility of THE WEALTHY to not just take care of their family but the rest of the population.  Their wealth should be shared with the rest of the population.  If they don't want to share their wealth, then they don't need to earn it...  but, if they do earn it they should share it.

OUR GOVERNMENT should control ALL CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES on behalf of the rest of the population...   and OUR GOVERNMENT should not allow the population to have CHOICES and FREE SPEECH.  

SOCIALISM and quite possibly COMMUNISM is the only form of government that should be allowed in the United States so that it can take proper care of its citizens.

Friday, March 5

Countries that Censor Freedom of Speech

TOP COUNTRIES that censor Freedom of Speech

1. Eritrea
2. North Korea
3. Saudi Arabia
4. Ethiopia
5. Azerbaijan
6. Vietnam
7. Iran
8. China
9. Myanmar
10. Cuba

all I can say here is aren't you glad that you live in the US of A...  where censorship does not happen...  and, opposing views are allowed to ripen on the vine like grapes and be harvested...

have I spoken too quickly?
Do we really have FREEDOM OF SPEECH here in the US of A where all views are tolerated...  Twenty years ago, I would have said yes!!!
Ten years ago, I would have said yes!!!
2015 changed everything here in the US of A...

LIBERAL VOICES, THOUGHTS, and OPINIONS are the only ones that are being tolerated these days...  and conservative voices, thoughts, and opinions are trying to be suppressed...

We are living in the years of the CANCEL CULTURE...
We are living in the years of the WOKE MOB...

It is these two groups who do not want opposing views...
It is these two groups who want only their voices to be heard...


Wednesday, March 3

Keep The Faith

"Keep the faith," was a phrase that we used in the 1960's so that our fellow classmates would continue to believe and continue to display behavior that reflected our attitudes, thoughts, and behavior...  we were liberals and had liberal values, but mainly we did not want nor did we believe that THE MAN should tell us what to do and how to live our lives.  THE MAN, at that point-in-time, was our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT...  We want a smaller government not a stronger government.  

AND...  most importantly was our DESIRE TO BE HEARD...  and in order to be heard, we MUST have our FREEDOM OF SPEECH rights....  and yet, mainstream media wants to suppress our freedom of speech...  unless that freedom of speech agrees with them...  Suppressing one's freedom of speech is what happens in THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES, Dictatorships, Communist countries, and countries that are afraid that the opposition will remove them from office.

Keep the faith also has religious undertones...  that is to say, no matter how difficult times get, no matter how much our lives are turned upside down, we can, always maintain our faith in GOD and understand that it is GOD  who will ultimately take care of us, even though we may not always understand why HE does what HE does...  "...God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven..."

In addition to one's religious beliefs and keeping the faith there, there are one's political beliefs and keeping the faith there as well...  for people who are similar to this author's beliefs, one cannot make the claim that one is LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE because one shares beliefs that are both liberal as well as conservative.  For example, I believe in the 2nd Amendment but I also believe that a female has the right to choose what she wants to do to her own body and that this right should not be control by the government.

Our government is be as small as possible in order to fulfil its roles and should stay out of our lives...  Our government should open doors for us, like a LEADER does, and not tell us how to live our lives or tell us what we can or cannot do.

I want to hear both side of the argument...  the liberal side as well as the conservative side, and then I want to be given some time to decide what it is that I want to believe without one side trying to push their agenda and convince me to see things their way...  It is not that simple...

Another example:  I believe that our Government should do as much as it can for its citizens as long as it does not have to borrow money to provide those services...  I also think that we should maintain a strong military presence while STAYING OUT OF THE WARS of other countries even when they request our help.  These countries should have the government that they deserve and not the government that the USA wants them to have.


Saturday, February 13

FREEDOM... of speech...

Conservative Views are being suppressed on College Campuses...

Mainstream Media is censoring conservative views from the public...

Congress is trying to destroy conservative views forever...

According to the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights, the First Amendment protects our FREEDOM of SPEECH and FREEDOM of RELIGION...  and, while that is true, there are still people and institutions that do not want to listen to opposing points-of-view especially when they do not agree with their point-of-view...  and, that attitude defeats the original purpose of not just our First Amendment, but the FREEDOMS on which our country was founded...


According to our online dictionary, freedom is defined as:  the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

Yes...  I can say whatever I want to my next door neighbor and to some stranger at WalMart without fear of being shot by a handgun or put in jail or losing my job...  but, that is not true for SOCIAL MEDIA...  I have been told by several people that they were KICKED OFF OF FACEBOOK because of their conservative views and claims that they were inciting violence.

Yes...  I agree that violence should never be incited...  even though the history of the United States is based entirely upon inciting violence against Great Britain.

Throughout my entire lifetime up until the Presidency of Donald Trump, I was allowed to voice my opinion...  but, now conservatives are being censored and their voice suppressed and this is not the kind of freedom for which I stood when I was in the military.