Showing posts with label Delta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delta. Show all posts

Monday, August 2

FOUCI Says...

 Fauci: US Likely Won’t Go Into Lockdown Over 

COVID-19 Delta Variant

The United States is unlikely to be sent back into lockdown despite a surge in COVID-19 cases stemming from the delta variant, top U.S. scientist Anthony Fauci said Sunday.

America is in for "some pain and suffering in the future," but enough people have now been vaccinated to prevent a repeat of last winter's deadly surge, the infectious disease expert who advises President Joe Biden told ABC's "This Week."

"I don't think we're going to see lockdowns," Fauci said after Biden's announcement this week that the United States was probably headed for new restrictions because of the delta variant surge.

Elsewhere in the world, countries including China and Australia have, in fact, put some of their people back under lockdown as the highly contagious variant spreads, not long after it seemed life was beginning to return to normal.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed course this week and said fully vaccinated people should mask up again indoors in higher-risk areas of the country.

The top U.S. health authority says the delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox and, critically, that breakthrough cases in vaccinated individuals, though still rare, may be as transmissible as unvaccinated cases.  READ MORE

Tuesday, April 6

Well... well... well... Cancel Culture

While Coca Cola and Delta are being influenced by the cancel culture not to have anything to do with Georgia or it brand of Southern Politics, it would appear that the Professional Golfers in Georgia are not that TEED-OFF and are deciding to hit that little white ball around the green grass despite having to do without being able to drink in Coca Cola products.

It would appear that golfers are FLIPPING A BIG FAT BIRD to the cancel culture as the rest of us should be doing instead of caving in to these assholes.

I, for one, have decided not to drink any Coca Cola products ever again...  but, the fact of the matter is that I stopped drinking coke years ago because of the taste...  and, ever since then I have been drink PEPSI which in my opinion is a much better soft drink...  although, I prefer unsweetened tea.

As far as Delta is concerned...  it pisses me off that they have allowed themselves to be DOPED by the cancel culture, especially since Delta is the only airlines on which I like to fly.  I have a Delta American Express credit card and will continue to rack up points by using it, but do not plan to fly Delta ever again.

I am not much for the cancel culture nor do I support anyone who supports the cancel culture.  It is sad that the cancel culture is an off shoot of the BLM movement because that is a movement that I would have supported had they not turned into assholes also.

While I personally detest GOLF, I am supportive of the golfers who have decided to play through the controversy.

ALSO...  MLB is a sport that I grew tired of, the minute I entered high school and have not cared much for that sport ever since.  I much prefer basketball and football and might have liked soccer if I had ever known how to play the damn game.

In the future, I will SUPPORT GEORGIA anyway that I can...  and, I say this because the cancel culture has DIVIDED AMERICA and I will always be on the side against THEM...