Friday, August 2

Mastering Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional intelligence has become a distinguishable marker among effective leaders.
    Source: LinkedIn Sales Solution/Unsplash

  • Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be learned.
  • Knowing how to read the room and react accordingly is a key trait of those with high EQ.
  • Emotionally intelligence teaches you how to listen so that others are heard, not so that you can reply.
  • Conflict is not about winning, rather it's about collaborating so both sides win.

You can have all the most advanced technical skills, but your career and organization will take a nosedive if you don’t know how to lead people effectively. In the realm of personal and professional development, emotional intelligence (EQ) has emerged as a crucial skill set—not a "soft" skill that is actually hard for many but a power skill that becomes a true distinguishing marker.

Defined as the ability to recognize, understand, and manage your own emotions while effectively navigating social interactions, EQ is a powerful tool for success and fulfillment. Learning to master emotional intelligence will afford you the opportunity to interact, collaborate, see when people agree or disagree with you, and manage the consequences.

If you are not yet skilled in EQ, don’t worry, as it is a skill you can learn and master. Here are ten strategies to help you build and strengthen your emotional intelligence:           READ MORE...

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