Thursday, August 29



What is a legacy?

It is something that we leave behind to our spouse and children when we die.

The typical legacy is a life insurance policy, a house, and some personal property.

Those who are wealthy want to leave behind much more.  They want a building, or a town named after them.  Some will settle for a bridge or a river.

Oddly enough, two generations after someone's death, the legacy they left behind is all but forgotten, which leaves me wondering why they wanted to leave that kind of legacy in the first place.

US Presidents like to leave behind ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

What will Biden be remembered for?

Illegal Immigration and Inflation

What will Trump be remembered for?

Impeachment & an outstanding economy

What will Obama be remembered for?

First black president...  (maybe)

What will Clinton be remembered for?

Oral sex in the oval office

What will Bush be remembered for?

The 9/11 attack

What will be your legacy?

As our economy worsens, it is doubtful that the common individual or couple will be able to leave behind too much of anything.

I know from reading history books, that our ancestors expected their children to be better off financially than they were.  That worked for several generations and then children found themselves in positions where they were living no better than their parents and some were worse off.

Not much of a legacy there...

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