Friday, August 30

Today's Drivers


Have you ever noticed how most of today's drivers, regardless of age, are simply RUDE?

I'm not talking about driving fast... everyone drives fast these days - speed limit signs don't mean jack shit anymore.

But before I get into that, let me share something that has bothered me for a long time...


Small Toyota type trucks are ok, but most of these trucks are large, jacked up, and you cannot see around them.  The only way is to drive in another lane, if there is one.  Most of these trucks don't use their turn signals, so they immediately change lanes to get around an obstacle, leaving the driver behind forced to slam on the brakes.

And this brings me to my first point. Driving too close.  Most drivers today want to ride the bumper of the car in front of them.  Not sure why they do that unless they are trying to pretend, they are NASCAR drivers.

Sometimes when they do that to me, I slow down or apply the brakes just to get them to back off.

But the behavior that really gets me going is driving fast in the lane on your left, so that they can get in front of you to EXIT the highway.

The most sensible action is to slow down and pull in behind me when they need to exit to the right off the highway.  

It makes me wonder if they ever had a driving class.

The second issue that gets me going, is cars that pull out in front of you from a sideroad, knowing that they do not have enough space in front of you to do that, forcing you to slam on the brakes or change lanes if you can.

I am not the only one who complains of these driving behaviors which makes me feel a little better...

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