Thursday, August 22

Our Closed Border


Whenever Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or Mayorkas says that the southern border is closed...  they are actually telling the truth.  The border is closed...

BUT...  the border patrol is being told NOT TO ENFORCE the closed border status...

Therefore, thousands of illegal immigrants are coming across the border each month.

In the eyes of the DEMOCRATS, they are telling the truth and cannot understand why we disagree with them.

We, have not asked the right question...

The Democrats are laughing at us because of our naive ignorance...

Republicans want to be literal and logical, and the Democrats want to be illusive and metaphorical.

The Democrats also have passed border legislation that for the most part allowed an open border, knowing that the Republicans would not support the bill, JUST SO THEY COULD SAY THAT THE REPUBLICANS BLOCKED THE BILL...  and it would look like the Republicans did not want to solve the problem.

WORD SALAD is screwing the Republican Party, and they are too stupid to realize what is going on...  

The Dems do not play by the rules of fairness or common sense and the Republicans do which causes everyone else to think the Republicans do not want to really play the game.

If the Republican Party and its supports are this stupid, then they do not deserve to put their man in the white house...

They do not deserve to take on the role of LEADERSHIP...


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