Saturday, August 24

Blowing Winds of Change


I am not a political expert, nor do I remember any of the facts, data and statistics, associated with previous Presidential elections, so I will try not to talk about that.

What concerns me about this election is that it represents somewhat of a crossroads here in America.  The 2020 election was also a crossroads but certainly not as dramatic as 2024 because a lot of shenanigans have taken place since then.

As far as my mentality is concerned, the DEMOCRATS are seriously attempting and succeeding in changing the political landscape in the USA.

That is to say, they want to take the USA into an arena that was never fathomed by our Founding Fathers when they wrote the US Constitution.

I am not talking about ABORTION - that issue is minor in comparison.

The Democrats are desperately trying to ELIMINATE the TWO-PARTY system in this county.

Trump is the only outspoken Republican that the Democrats seem to fear.

I say FEAR because for the last EIGHT YEARS, the Democrats have tried to DESTROY Trump and so far, every attempt to achieve this goal has FAILED miserably.

My concern here relates to TERRORISM.  It does not matter how many times a terrorist fails; what matter is that they only have to succeed ONCE.

Bear in mind that I don't think the Democrats want to eliminate the Republicans altogether, all they want to do (via the vote) is make sure they never control one or both houses of congress, and do they ever win the presidency again.  

Packing the supreme court to favor a liberal interpretation of the US Constitution would just be icing on the cake.

The Democratic party also wants to turn the USA into a third world country (hence all the illegal immigration) because those types of countries are obvious easier to CONTROL.

The Chinese economy is on the rise.

The economy of India is on the rise.

Those two countries alone could overpower the US economy, especially if we divert a lot of our monies into GOING GREEN.  The rest of the world is not really wanting to move in that direction, until there is no other choice.

Going Green will work to our disadvantage and will not save the planet if a majority of other countries are not helping.

The Democratics don't want the USA to fall that far down, but they are willing to accept sharing GLOBAL CONTROL with Russia, China, and India and maybe a few others.

When that happens the domestic side of the USA will resemble what the rest of the world looks like - no one will be able to tell the difference.

The one thing we had over the rest of the world was that we were better than everyone else in ALL RESPECTS...

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