Tuesday, August 27

Changing Perspectives


Age has a tendency to change our perspectives...  if and only if, we are open to that change.

For example, when we are young, we are, for the most part, liberal in our way of thinking because we do not want to be defined by RULES.

As we get older, we typically change that perspective because we realize how important it is to be defined by rules.

However, some of us, even though we have changed will continue to think the old way because that is how our minds have been conditioned to think for many years.

Therefore, once a liberal always a liberal.

Our prior conditioning butts' heads with reality often as we age, and we are too stubborn to realize it and modified our behavior consciously.

For example, when we were young, we drove like a bat out of hell, but age causes us to drive slowly.


when we were young, we could drink alcohol as if it were water, but age causes us to change that behavior.


when we were young, we could have sex all night long and still want more in the morning but age causes us to lose our excitement and/or our erections.


our political views don't always change like that unless we are consciously aware that being liberal is not just irresponsible but financially not practical.

Why we don't see that normally, I could not say...  but it is the reason why the Democratic Party continues to have a lot of members.

My parents were Democrats regardless of the party's beliefs because that is just who they wanted to be.  However, I wonder if my Kennedy Democratic parents would still be willing to support the party now that they are leaning so far left and progressive.

I will not vote for Trump simply because I do not want the LIBERALS to be in power any longer...

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