Saturday, August 31



Hard to believe that this is the last day of August 2024...

They say time flies by when you're having fun, and I suppose they are true...  even though I have no idea who they are or are not for that matter.

The end of August, means different things to different people but for me, it used to symbolize the end of the summer...

End of the summer 

  • As a child that was traumatic because it meant returning to school and to what I considered to be boring education.
  • Back in the 1950s and early 1960s, there was no such thing as gifted and talented programs for intellectually advanced students; consequently, they had to remained bored all day long because education did not challenge them.
  • Nor did education and its teachers experiment with different learning styles.
  • If teachers did not use the style that was conducive to your learning, then you were simply SOL.

As I got older, the end of August meant very little to me other than it was just another month that had passed me by that I would fortunately never see again.

The passing of time means AGING to most of us and for some of us that aging process is not that easy to tolerate.

END OF AUGUST - partial list

  1. end of summer
  2. end of family vacations
  3. students back in school
  4. workforce is 100%
  5. less traffic
  6. back to school expenses
  7. volunteering at school
  8. college football
  9. fall leaves and weather
  10. flu season
  11. cold weather around the corner
  12. close to thanksgiving
  13. close to Christmas
  14. New Year's Eve

It is true that August is a symbolic month for most of us while for many of us, it is still just another month.  If it is symbolic, those symbols may change with age.  If it is not symbolic, we are still going to age.

Whatever August 2024 may mean or not mean to you, tomorrow, it will never be seen again.

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