Saturday, August 24

Living Healthy

 My father died in 2001 at the age of 88/89 and my mother died in 2016 just shy of her 96th birthday.

My dad was suffering from a rare form of Leukemia but died of natural causes and my mother had been diagnosed with cancer but there was not treatment because of her age; she also died of natural causes.

Neither of them had anything else wrong with them...

At age 60, I was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer, and suffered a triple bypass level heart attack (the two were unrelated).  Five years later, treatment for Lymphoma gave me Melanoma and I have been receiving treatments for both cancers.

I have also had five lower back disks fused and both my left and right shoulders have rotator cuff tears that are complete, and the tendons have withdrawn.  I am not looking at surgery.

Even though there is more wrong with me than either of my parents, I believe very strongly that unless something else dramatically happens to me, I will live until well into my 90s.

Of course, I do not know that for sure...

Aside from all that I just mentioned, I am one healthy SOB with a cholesterol level of 82 this year, 84 last year and 86 the year before.  This includes both good and bad cholesterol.

Since the age of 40 or 36 years ago (almost half my life), I have stopped:

  • eating red meat
  • smoking
  • drinking alcohol
  • eating fried foods
  • eating sugars

NOTE:  I used to fast walk 1-2 miles a day, 7 days a week, my long-term chemo treatments have left me with so much fatigue, I just don't feel like walking much at all...  and, I don't walk much except for however much walking is done with grocery shopping.


However, I do cheat on my diet...

  • I have about 4 pizzas a year
  • I used to have a couple of mixed drinks on cruises
  • I may eat one hamburger a year
  • I eat fried chicken once or twice a year
  • I maybe eat one hamburger with cheese a year

Over the last 18 months my weight has dropped from about 250/260 to 210/215 and has been holding steady at that lower amount.

I typically drink about 48 ounces of decaf coffee each day and no more than 18 ounces of SAM's flavored water.  My favorite is Mandarin Orange.

While I am not the poster child for GOOD HEALTH, I am in relatively good health, and it is because of that and modern medicine/treatment that I will live into my 90s.

This is something you should be thinking about rather than let LIFE catch up with you...

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