Friday, August 23



We live in a reality of our senses even though most of us take our five senses for granted.

  • We hear
  • We see
  • We touch
  • We feel
  • We smell
There is no getting around that.  However, some of us have damaged senses and our perception of reality changes.
  • We don't hear as well
  • We don't see as well
  • We don't have ease of touch
  • We don't feel how we used to feel
  • We don't smell as well
But when that happens has reality changed?
No, not really.
We just perceive it differently.

we can say that reality is nothing more than our perception of reality that we experience.

What happens when our experiences change?
Does reality change?
Does our perception of reality change?

Experiences we have at a young age are going to differ than those experiences we have/had at an older age...
even though...
reality has changed very little if any at all.

The average person does not think about reality.  The average person just experiences what he or she experiences and thinks nothing about it.  They draw no conclusion, they have no speculations as to why, and they certainly don't care much about reality until it negatively impacts them.

Does that mean they take reality for granted?
No, not really.
They perceive reality for the most part like everyone else, they just don't think about what they are and have just perceived.

Is it necessary that we perceive our reality?
Some would say yes...
Others would say no...

Why does our perception matter at all?
It does not really matter, nor does it change how we perceive reality.  Awareness of perception is just something we do or do not do.

PERSONALLY, I think we should be more aware of our perceptions of reality in case it changes beyond our capability to realize that it has changed.

I suppose though when that happens, we are DEAD.

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