Saturday, August 24

Schools have all Reconvened


On the one hand, the fact that students have returned to school and there is less traffic on the roads; on the other hand, students returning to school is an indication that cold weather is right around the corner.

I am the kind of person that dislikes cold weather; however, I am also the kind of person that dislikes high humidity as well.  Both those extremes (although there are not really extremes) bother me the older I get.  BTW, I can sit inside a 102-degree hot tub in July and love it.

With cold weather comes FOOTBALL and that is all anyone will be talking about.  I used to like football but not anymore - maybe it is because of the zealot attitudes of most of its followers.  I supposed they need something to do with their lives beside go to work and mow the lawn.

While East Tennessee is not as cold as NYC, Buffalo, or Chicago, it is still cold.  The only good thing about cold weather is that I sleep better in cold weather than hot.  However, getting out of the warm bed is not that enjoyable either.

The kids love snow because it has the potential of getting them out of school, but for most adults it is a pain in the ass because, we have to shovel the snow off the driveway and sidewalks and we have to drive in the snow, around adult-children who thinks the car is their play toy.

I am also amazed by all the money that is spent by parents on buying clothes for their children so that they will not be bullied by the other students for not wearing the most stylish clothes.  Americans go more into debt for returning school clothes than Christmas purchases.  But the more they go into debt, the better overall our economy is.

I'm just glad that I am retired and don't have to be out there unless I want to be.

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