Saturday, August 31

Misinformation and Disinformation


At one point in time, conservatives had to worry about CENSORSHIP from the liberal controlled news media outlets, now these same outlets are passing along information that is not true, or they are making the claim that the conservatives are passing along information that is not true.

China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, as well as many other countries (Socialistic, Communistic, or Dictatorships) regularly use censorship, misinformation, and/or disinformation to control the behaviors of their own citizens...  fearing that the truth might cause a revolution and overthrow of the government.

It is totally unexpected from this type of activity to become prevalent in the USA...

Yes, the USA has its Constitution and Bill of Rights, but I am confident that our Founding Fathers never envisioned that the actual truth might one day be kept away from the public...

If you do not believe this could happen in the USA, has happened, or will happen, then think about our GOVERNMENT finally admitting that there are UFOs flying around and the possibility that extraterrestrials are more than likely flying those UFOs.

If they kept that information from the public then certainly censorship, misinformation, and disinformation is not beneath their level of credibility, honor, honesty, and integrity.

Pretty soon, the liberals who are pushing the false narrative, will not know what the REAL TRUTH is or is not because they too will be confused.

Are you smart and clever enough to take matters into your own hands and find out if the news you are hearing or reading about is false or true?

My guess is that you have no desire to mess with that kind of nonsense as long as your lifestyle is not infringed upon.  There is no good reason not for us to live with LIES.

  • SEX
  • DANCING and FISHING and a little HUNTING is all any American really needs.

"F" the TRUTH!!!

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