Monday, August 26

United we Stand - Divided we Fall


Patrick Henry used the phrase in his last public speech, given in March 1799, in which he denounced The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. Clasping his hands and swaying unsteadily, Henry declaimed, "Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall.

This was spoken 225 years ago and is still a popular phase especially in times where we find ourselves now.  It is popular because it applies to ALL ASPECTS of life.

For FIVE GENERATIONS, Americans have known and/or believed that Americans are only STRONG when we are united.

I believe that division started in the USA in the 1960s when we had racial unrest and Vietnam war protests.  While these unrests and protests pertained to the younger generation, they still created a crack in the moral crust of society that has gradually opened wider over the years.

We are divided on several fronts:

  • Racial
  • Gender
  • Political
  • Financial
  • Religious
  • Educationally
  • Geographically
  • Governmentally
  • Work Positions
  • Health & Fitness

Right now the top divisions are:
  • Political/governmental
  • Racial
  • Financial

We have two Presidential candidates:  Donald Trump and Kamala Harris who preached unity, but whose underlying programs firmly address DIVISION, like:
  • Open borders
  • No Compromising
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Socialism/Communism
  • Taxes/Duties/Tariffs
  • Military
  • Censoring the opposition

One of President Biden's Secretaries recently informed FOX News that she DID NOT BELIEVE anything that came out of Donald Trump's mouth.

That kind of attitude, especially from a leadership position, does not sow the seeds of UNITY...  in fact, it promotes DIVISION pure and simple.

Our leaders have to find a way to outgrow that type of mentality or else we will never UNITE AGAIN.

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