Thursday, August 22



We stand before ourselves in some kind of ceremonial posture, hoping it will not be noticed.

We spend our time carefully hoping to hide it from view as long as we can before becoming impossible.

What is "IT" that we are so desperately trying to hide from others?


  • It is our personality that attracts people to us or that repels people from us.
  • It is our personality to prevents or accepts our employment.
  • It is our personality that keeps us in the family or pushes us to the curb, never to return again.
  • It is our personality that makes us a good lover, a good husband, and/or a good father.

most people try to shield their personality from scrutiny in the hopes of being accepted at home, at school, at work, or at play.

When you are with family or friends, do you really think people tell you the TRUTH...  or do they tell you WHAT THEY THINK YOU WANT TO HEAR?

I believe the latter is true.

If and when you tell people the truth, it is typically the last time they want to talk with you.

I tested this theory out on my nephew and as soon as I told him the truth, he ceased communications with me and told everyone that he no longer liked talking with me about anything.

Telling people the truth is called BURNING ONE'S BRIDGES...  which actually makes sense because if you burn the bridge no one can cross over... hence no communications. 

I find this disturbingly interesting because when I was a young lad, it was almost beat into my head the story about George Washington and the apple tree.  He told the truth and suffered the consequences, and everyone admired him for it.

This kind of shit does happen and is true and works perfectly as long as you are not George Washington.

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