Friday, August 30

Questions and Answers


Life always has me wondering over questions few people want to know the answers or even care about.

Why was the human race even created or was it simply an unintended consequence of the creation of the universe and natural evolution?

In pursuit of the answers to this question, I have discovered that some scientists believe our evolution happened too quickly; therefore, they believe someone, or something tampered with our DNA to expedite the evolutionary process.

Who could that have been?

Some believe it was an extraterrestrial better known as our RELIGIOUS GOD.

I understand that this does not coincide with our religious teachings but since JESUS himself admitted to Pilot that his kingdom was not of this world, that statement alone has gotten many of us wondering where the Kingdom of Jesus is?

Is this kingdom in:

  • our solar system
  • our galaxy
  • a nearby galaxy
  • a distant galaxy

As you are no doubt well aware, the Bible does not give us any indication of where this kingdom (possibly heaven) is located...

  • Surely God realizes that one day MANKIND is going to evolve to the point that they will start asking questions like this.
  • Surely God realizes that one day SCIENCE is going to evolve to the point where they will begin questioning God's existence.

I am fully aware that many people believe in RELIGION regardless of whether or not there is any credibility to that belief...  as if belief is the sole purpose of life...

IS THIS WHY our world has so many different kinds of religions and belief systems that we refer to as mythologies or philosophies?

Currently, there are literally hundreds of different philosophies/religions in the world with the MAJOR ONES, numbering twelve.

I also find that to be somewhat of a coincidence.
  • 12 months
  • 12 zodiac signs
  • 12 disciples
  • 12 stations of the sun/moon
  • 12 Greek gods
  • 12 is considered cosmic order
  • 12 hours in a day
  • 12 members of a jury
  • 12 northern/southern stars

It is fine not to question.  I am not saying that everyone should question, only that I question and just wanted to share a couple of my questions.

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