Sunday, June 13

Sunday Sermon

Sermons do not always fall into the category of a religious talk based upon some passage from the Bible...  sermons can also be nothing but a lecture on a variety of topics with the understanding that lecturing is not criticizing someone or something but more like an opinion based upon whatever:  knowledge, fact, experience.

My lecture today is on STUPIDITY or what one might refer to as the absence of COMMON SENSE...  however, I have discovered over the years that common sense is relative to the individual, the situation, and the location.  Therefore, one could easily say that what is common sense to one is stupidity to another...  even though that statement does not make that much sense either when reflected upon intellectually.

People who like to drive fast in vehicles, just like I used to do, in my opinion are relatively STUPID creatures for a variety of reasons:
  1. they are burning more gas than they need to
  2. they are causing more unconscious internal stress
  3. they are spending more money on gasoline
  4. they are endangering themselves and their passengers
  5. they are setting bad examples to other drivers
  6. they are endangering other motorists
  7. they are increasing health care costs if injured
  8. they are using valuable medical resources if injured
What is more or less funny and really stupid is when these motorists need to drive fast in towns with stop lights because they may zoom past me but then at the stop light we are together again...  and, I have burned far less fuel.

But, the speeders are not the real issue here as are the tailgaters...  that is to say those that drive right up to your car with only a foot or two in between both vehicles.  When this happens, I tend to reduce my speed and piss the other driver off even more...  odds are that if he does not pull out a firearm and try to shoot my ass, he slams his car into a lower gear and power steers around me, flipping me off in the process.

However, if we are in the city limits somewhere, I catch up to him again at the traffic light and usually look over at him or her and smile.

As I mention at the outset, STUPIDITY is relative and I have discovered that my actions are just as stupid as their actions.

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