Thursday, June 17

Somewhat Interesting

Yesterday, I had my monthly IVIG treatment and part of my premeds is taking steroids which keep me from sleeping unless I take Benadryl which I always do and did last night and had no problems falling to sleep but unfortunately and unlike previous times, I woke up after 4-5 hours of sleep and just knew that my sleeping time was over.  That took place about 2:30 am this morning, give or take, and I have been screwing around on the internet, cleaning up files, and searching out free online storage because of a recent corrupt flash drive that has or had all my recent files...  PISSER...  but, what can you do?

Well, I refuse to pay for online storage and that attitude might be a death wish for me regarding future lost files...  but, I also know that I can send myself an email with attachments and use that email service as storage.  But, emails are easily hacked.  So, I have looked in DROPBOX which offers 2 Gigs for free and let CHROME select and save my very complicated password...

Actually, I had gotten DROPBOX right after it first came out (for some reason) and I was given 6 Gigs of free storage so they must have reduced the storage amounts over the years.  Mainly, I was storing photos there and I am not sure if I really need to keep too many of them, so I will replace them with other documents that I want/need to save for a variety of reasons.

I did not grow up with the INTERNET or the WWW and do not know it like someone who is 25-30 let's say...  but, I am learning, even though my learning curve is slow.

Interestingly, my mother FORCED ME like most mothers have a fancy of doing, to take a typing course in summer school...  Her thoughts were that I will always need typing and the idle mind is the devil's workshop...  At 73 years of age, that typing course was the single most important course that I ever took in my entire life so far...  THANKS MOM...

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