Tuesday, June 29


America was number 1 in the world in 1945 because the war was fought in Europe, the manufacturing base of the US was still in tact and supplied the rest of the world with goods and services...  making us even more wealthy.

American education was number 1 back then as well but over the years, it has dropped from number 1 to number 15 in the world based upon K-12.

Higher education has maintained its own but is faltering.  In 1980 when I got my MBA, I had to pass with a "B" 60 hours of course work...  which is 20 classes.  Today, one can earn an MBA after 10 classes of course work or 30 hours.  Does that mean our education is getting better?

I have also taught college students who cannot remember anything from the class that they just passed with an "A" because all they did was memorrize for the grade and not for retention.  Does this mean we are getting better?

Prices are increasing but wages are not increasing as fast...  at least for the workers that is true...  but for management and upper management, their salaries are increasing all the time because they are meeting their goals at the expense of the workers...  Does this mean we are getting better?

The gap between the wealthy and the middle class is increasing each year as the wealthy continue to increase their wealth as prices increase and as new markets are opened...  Does this mean we are getting better?

America is more divided than ever before...  not since the civil war has this country been more divided.  Does this mean we are getting better?

  • Americans hate the American Flag
  • Amerians hate the Pledge of Allegience
  • American hate White Privilege
  • Americans hate the police
  • Americans say Whites are oppressive
  • Americans do not want opposing views


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