Wednesday, September 11

Myrtle Beach: Day 4


For some it was a beautiful day but for others like my wife and I, it was a HORRIBLY COLD DAY...

Only one person got into the water and that was a young boy maybe 12-13 years old, and his chubby little body kept getting knocked over by the waves.

While the wind was not blowing as strongly as it had been on Monday, the temperatures were cooler which made the entire day feel like it was in the high 50s or low 60s.

Aside from an early morning walk along the shoreline and a trip back up to the room on the 6th floor for lunch, the day was spent sitting in a chair, listening to iHeart radio, an audiobook, or writing in my journal.

Instead of leaving at 4/4:30 when the lifeguard collects the chairs and umbrellas, we left at 3:00pm as we both were chilly and uncomfortable.

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