Sunday, September 22



My father, through his example, showed me what hard work was all about and how discipline and determination were both keys to one's success.

My father, did not, however, provide me with the motivation to make more money, even though throughout his career he was constantly changing positions and getting salary increases.

Consequently, I had no desire to relocate up north where I would have, by default, doubled or tripled my salary from what I was earning down south.  

Since my dad only worked for the Department of Agriculture for 40 years, I was reluctant to move any farther than from North Carolina to Tennessee.  My sister was similar in her actions, but our brother was not as was my daughter, but her son also stayed and worked in North Carolina.

Was it the influence of our parents or just the influence from our different personalities, lifestyles, and culture.  Our brother was 8 years younger than me and 12 years younger than our sister.  Our brother grew up in a different environment and he was the only one or us to attend a PREP SCHOOL.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with living in the south, but living in the south means:

  • lower wages
  • lower state and local taxes
  • lower cost of living
  • less opportunities

Therefore, there are less people in the south.  Less crime and violence.  Less traffic, less pollution, and less waiting in line for services.  However, this is not true for life in large southern cities like ATLANTA, MIAMI, NEW ORLEANS,     and DALLAS, etc.

There are even major differences between Southern States like the cost of living is less in Tennessee than it is in North Carolina - although smaller towns in North Carolina are more than likely similar to Tennessee and vice versa when it comes to larger cities like Nashville.

What I have discovered, much to my surprise, is that many southerners go up north for their careers and higher salaries, then cash out when they retire and move down south to cheaper locations like Knoxville or Bristol, Tennessee.    A $750,000 house up north can buy the same size in TN for $300,000.  The rest or the money is put in the bank to earn interest.

Cost of living up north may be two to two and half times what it is down south.  $3500/month versus $7500/month or higher.  Plus, TN has no state income tax.

For one reason or another, northern people look down their noses at southern people.  I am not sure why, but they do.  Northern people are typically rude whereas southern people are typically not rude.

I like it down south and I am glad that I have lived most of my life here so far, and plan to die here as well.

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