Monday, September 23

Aren't Too Proud to Share

GYNECOMASTIA  is a condition in which the glandular tissue in the breasts becomes enlarged in males, sometimes causing discomfort or nipple tenderness. It is usually the result of a hormonal imbalance and typically occurs during infancy, adolescence, or mid to late life.  Jan 18, 2024     SOURCE:  MAYO Clinic

Last week, I had an appointment at the Breast Center at the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville.  My appointment was for a mammogram, and it had been scheduled by my Oncologist, after feeling my left breast during a routine appointment, after I had complained about some tenderness there.

Once my childish neighbors, who are also retired found out about my appointment at the Breast Center, you would not believe the jokes that they tossed my way.  None of which are repeatable here.

The exam lasted about 10 minutes, and I saw the doctor about 15 minutes after that for my results.  My condition was GYNECOMASTIA and was not life threatening he explained with a smile.  He also thought that if I search around, I might be able to find a plastic surgeon who would be willing to perform an extraction of the tissue.  I told him I would not be interested in something like that, but my comment did not come with a smile.  Of course, I was not angry either.

Since my condition was typical for men of my age, then this was something with which I was just going to have to live.

Now, I get to add another ache to my list of OLD MAN issues.

And just to make matters worse, I twisted my left knee somehow, doing what I do not know, and I have been limping around the house because it does not seem to be going away any time soon.

After reading this, I am sure you cannot wait to reach your 70s...  LOL

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