Wednesday, September 25

American Literacy

Here are some literacy statistics for the United States

  • Literacy rate: 79% of US adults are literate, while 21% are illiterate.
  • Literacy level: 54% of adults have a literacy level below 6th grade, and 20% are below 5th grade.
  • Functional illiteracy: 45 million adults are functionally illiterate, meaning they read below a 5th grade level.
  • Reading habits: 44% of adults do not read a book in a year.
  • State literacy rates: Minnesota and New Hampshire have the highest literacy scores, while Louisiana, Mississippi, and New Mexico have the lowest.
  • Cost of low literacy: Low literacy rates cost the US up to $2.2 trillion per year.
  • Reading for enjoyment: Fewer children are reading for enjoyment.
  • Reading challenges: Many adults face challenges with basic reading tasks

Is this the kind of AMERICA in which you want to live?
America USED TO BE #1 in the global level of highest literacy, now we are ranked much lower...

Who is to blame?
More importantly. DOES ANYONE CARE?

What do you think is going to happen with our literacy levels if all those illegal immigrants are made citizens?
  • Many of them don't speak English
  • Many of them have no skills
  • Many of them have no desire to learn
  • All of them want a better life

Do you think the CHINESE have a plan that will incorporate having a higher literacy rate than the USA?

The CHINESE want to be the GLOBAL LEADER in the areas of:
  • the economy
  • the military
  • education
  • the space race

Americans just want:
  • Illegal drugs
  • Alcohol
  • SEX
  • Free education
  • A guaranteed income
  • Not having to pay their dues


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