Thursday, September 19

Fixin' the Economy

Since I am not an ECONOMIC EXPERT, I can offer my views on how to fix our FAILING ECONOMY...

First of all, I would say that the government has to STOP ITS SPENDING.  Not only does government spending increase INFLATION but it also increases the NATIONAL DEBT which is going to bite us in the ASS one day.

With that said, the government SHOULD (but it will not) REDUCE SPENDING.

So, what area(s) of the budget would you reduce?

  • Social Programs
  • Education
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Healthcare
  • Social Security
  • Military
  • Green Energy
  • Other

Secondly, the government needs to reduce corporate taxes so that companies will invest in the future and grow their companies.

This one is difficult to understand because the mentality is that companies want to make profits at the expense of the workers and the consumers.

Thirdly, the government needs to convince CONGRESS that we need to pass a law that states the wealthy CAN NO LONGER shelter their money away from taxes in offshore bank accounts.
Millionaires can afford to pay several hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes and Billionaires can afford to pay several millions of dollars in taxes.

This one is not going to be easy to pass or swallow but it needs to be done.  And the sooner we realize this the sooner we will begin to be better off.

Fourthly, the government needs to STOP PUSHING the GREEN ECONOMY...
  1. of its initial cost
  2. of our weakened economy
  3. the rest of the world is not going there
  4. oil/gasoline keeps our economy strong

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