Friday, September 27

Government Censorship


Communist countries view media as a propaganda tool, and widely practiced censorship to exercise almost full control over the information dissemination. The press in communist countries is an organ of, and completely reliant on, the state.

what does that tell you or teach you?

If the government control the media and the dissemination of information, then the government has as high degree of probability that they can control the people.......

The mainstream media, that includes CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, PBR, Google, and Facebook, are all controlled by the Democratic Partys and these media news outlets censor news that is favorable to the Republicans and negative to the Democrats.

think about this for a minute or two if you will.

If you are a liberal or a democrat and want freebees from the govt as well as green energy and as many illegal immigrants as we have room for, are you willing to give up your FREE SPEECH if and when you no longer like what the govt is doing?

  • Or maybe they say, it is forbidden to have children
  • Or forbidden for white to marry white
  • Or maybe you are forced to let illegal immigrants stay in your home
  • Or that you now work for the govt not yourself
  • Or you must give up your job to a robot
  • Or they want to give your property to China under the laws of Eminent Domain
Eminent Domain gives the government the power to take your property, even if you don't want to sell. But under the Fifth Amendment, eminent domain must be for a “public use,” which traditionally meant projects like roads or bridges.

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