Saturday, September 21

Friendly But Secretly Disliking You Behaviors

In this article, we’re going to unravel those hidden cues. We’ll explore 8 specific behaviors that people, who act friendly but secretly dislike you, often display.

Don’t worry, this isn’t about creating paranoia, it’s about understanding human behavior better.

Let’s get started.

1) Overly enthusiastic greetings
Have you ever noticed how some people, despite their warm and enthusiastic greetings, leave you with an odd feeling?

This could be one of the first signs. They might be compensating for their lack of genuine affection by going overboard with their greetings and pleasantries.

Sometimes, people who secretly dislike you can be overly enthusiastic or excessively nice when you first meet them. This is done to mask their true feelings and to throw you off the scent.

But don’t take this as a hard rule. Some people are just naturally enthusiastic. The key here is to look for a balance and consistency in their behavior.

If their enthusiasm feels out of place or inconsistent with how they interact with others, it might be a sign that they’re not as friendly towards you as they seem.

2) Compliments that don’t feel quite right
This one hits close to home. I remember a colleague of mine who always had a compliment ready. But somehow, those compliments always felt a bit off.

She’d say things like “You’re so brave for wearing that outfit!” or “I could never pull off such a bold hairstyle!”. Initially, I took these as compliments. But over time, I realized they were thinly veiled criticisms.

These ‘compliments’ were her way of expressing her dislike without being overtly rude. They were subtle, backhanded compliments that were intended to undermine rather than uplift.


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