Thursday, September 26

Roles in Marriage



who is in charge at your house, assuming you are either living with someone and are not married or you are living with someone and are married?


what do I mean exactly about being in charge?

Not an easy question to answer.

In most marriages,

there is always one person who displays the dominate roll without really being in charge.

  • They are dominate in the bedroom
  • They are dominate with finances
  • They are dominate with all decision
that does not necessarily mean they are in charge because both spouses can actually make family decisions, rather than just one.
The dominate spouse tries to convince the other spouse that their ideas are better, but the couple decides together.

there are those couples who have their own checking and banking accounts, and based upon how much they earn annually and how that relates to overall incomes and expenses, determines their contribution to the family expenses.

While they buy their own stuff like clothes, cars, personal items, the vacations are usually spent 50/50.

there are those couples where one spouse maintains all the money, but all decisions are made together.  This typically happens when one spouse does not like balancing the check book.

men are the head of the household and make all the decisions when their spouse is not working; however, with more and more married females in the workplace, that relationship is changing, and more and more females are taking on the role of head of the household.

Men are finding themselves in more of a subservient role when it comes to the household.

What marriage are you in?

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