Wednesday, September 11



I am a Vietnam Era Veteran, serving from 1969 through 1974...  and I was amazed that this country, THE USA, was so arrogant and egotistical that they allowed terrorists into this country and consequently allowed THE TWIN TOWERS in NYC to be completely destroyed.


for the last 4 years we have allowed millions of illegal immigrants into this country, many of which are MUSLIM TERRORISTS, and no doubt will start implementing terrorist activities once the election in November 2024.


the American people, after 20+ years, have completely forgotten that the USA was attacked over 20 years ago.

Out of sight...  Out of mind...

Americans get emotionally alarmed only when an event is happening or has happened and then a FEW YEARS later, we are completely over it and go about our business as if it never happened...

And while there is some merit to that approach, it negates the fact that we should maintain an awareness it may happen again.

Now from 2020-2024, millions of illegal immigrants have come into this country, many seek a better life but there are also many who are criminals and/or terrorists...

QUESTION:  Why have the alleged terrorists not taken action so far, if they are really here?

The answer is very simple, these terrorists, in my opinion, are waiting to see who wins the election in November.  If Kamala Harris wins, then they will go into action because these terrorists and their sponsors don't see Harris as a strong leader who will take any kind of aggressive action.

DUMB ASSED AMERICANS have to wait until it actually happens again before they get upset and ask our government to PROTECT THEM...

STATES that have gun carry permits will initiate action immediately and start protecting themselves and their families.

Unless you believe that your LGBQT+ will protect you...  then you might have to screw up your courage and start protecting yourself.

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