Saturday, September 21



  • Boys who want to be girls
  • Girls who want to be boys
  • Males who want to be females
  • Females who want to be males

They all have a RIGHT to be whatever it is that they want to be and I will support that right as long as I live...  

The issue for me is that I do not want to be around any of them.

AND...  believe it or not...  THAT IS MY RIGHT...

  • I don't think biological males should play in female sports.
  • I don't think biological females should play in male sports.

If males want to marry males and females want to marry females, that is their RIGHT and the laws should support that marriage and not just marriages between male and female.
I don't want to live next door to that kind of a couple...
That is MY RIGHT.

If a female wants to have sex and then abort the baby for whatever reason, that is certainly HER RIGHT.
A woman's age has something to do with that and if they are underage, then the parents (of both the male and the female) should be held responsible financially for what their children did.

  • The federal govt should not police these rights
  • The church should not police these rights
  • It is the responsibility of the STATES and local communities

According to our CONSTITUTION, all Americans have a fundamental right to pursue:
a line needs to be drawn to protect others because my right to happiness should not infringe upon your right to happiness.

MINORITIES should not dictate policies for the majority...
UNFORTUNATELY, it appears that this is exactly what is happening in the good ole US of A these days.
This needs to end.

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