Saturday, September 21

What the USA NEEDS


How I vote is MY BUSINESS but my political views, I can share...

I don't think much of people who vote STRAIGHT PARTY TICKET because oftentimes, that is NOT WHAT'S Best for the USA.

I also think it is silly and stupid to switch from one party to the other party every four or eight years because the previous party is not doing a good job.

My POLITICS is very simple:

  • I want low taxes
  • I want a low cost of living
  • I want 2-3% inflation
  • I want a balance budget
  • I want no national debt
  • I want no illegal immigration
  • I want a strong military
  • I want a strong economy
  • I want reasonable healthcare costs

We pay Americans too much money and offer too many benefits which makes AMERICAN PRODUCTS MORE EXPENSIVE...

For those who want to buy American that is fine...  I am going to buy the lowest price with the highest quality.  If that is American, that is fine.  If that is not American, well then, it is nothing personal.

If you want my business produce quality with a low cost.  It can be done, because as a consultant before retiring I taught companies how to do that.

POLITICS always gets in the way of common sense as politicians want to stay in their jobs for 20-30 years and when they do, nothing gets accomplished except their re-election bids.

If you don't believe me, check out the political issues of the 1960s and see for yourself that they are the same as 2024 except for ROBOTS.

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