Tuesday, September 24

What Do We Know?


We know several things actually...

First - we know that we have a problem with illegal immigration that started almost four years ago.

Second - we know that we have a problem with inflation (even though it has come down a tad) that started almost four years ago.

Third - we know we have a problem with crime and violence in our big cities that started almost four years ago.

Fourth - we know that we have a problem with Fentanyl that started almost four years ago.

Fifth - we know we have wars and rumors of war breaking out all over the world that started almost four years ago.

As someone who is not very smart, I am seeing a trend here...  all five of these items started about four years ago when Biden became our President.  Now, I have heard over and over again, that these five items are not Biden's fault that they were actually caused during the Trump administration.

Well...  assuming that to be true, then why hasn't BIDEN FIXED THE PROBLEM, or does he believe that since he thinks he did not cause it, then he should not have to fix it.

I am not sure I see the logic in that, but I believe that is the narrative that mainstream media is pushing.

So, if Trump caused the problem and Biden does not want to fix it because he did not cause it, then logically we should return Trump to the white house so he can fix HIS OWN DAMN PROBLEMS.

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