Saturday, September 21

Business and Government


Part of my problem is that I am educated in the area of BUSINESS, receiving an MBA from Wake Forest University in 1981.

After going through two years of business courses, I switched from favoring Democrats to favoring Republicans.  

I was not too keen on Donald Trump in 2016 and did not vote for him but after witnessing EIGHT YEARS of relentless attacks and false accusations on the man, I have decided to NEVER AGAINS give the Democrats a second look.  They are horrible people for what they have done to that man and his family.

GOVERNMENTS do not exist to give BENEFITS to their citizens.  Governments exist to protect and serve their citizens making sure that they can offer as much as they can to their citizens that they CAN AFFORD without going into debt.

If taxes don't pay for all the programs you want, you don't raise taxes but increase the population.  This takes us to our current ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION problem.  On the surface it makes sense because there is more tax revenues, but the Democrats are wanting immigrants here only to VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS and end Republican control and power.

This rationale is simply WRONG.  It defeats the purpose of a democracy as well as the purpose of government.

Businesses and Corporations and Entrepreneurs are the backbone of Capitalism...  They provide jobs, products and services in such a way that our economy is not just healthy but so that it will consistently grow and prosper.

INFLATION never helps the economy or the people and yet, inflation happens all the time.
Too much money in the economy and not enough goods and services to absorb that money.
Basic supply and demand.
Basic business classes.

The government should work with business to construct a healthy economy, not against them because the government believes that business is taking advantage of the people.  People buy what they need and/or want, and if business does not supply that at a reasonable cost, the people will look elsewhere.


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