Sunday, September 1

Influenced by Government

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and owner of FACEBOOK finally admitted to CONGRESS that the Biden Administration put pressure on him and FACEBOOK to CENSOR COVID-19 DATA as well as the Hunter Biden LAPTOP story to influence the 2020 Presidential Election...

This revelation does not mean that Trump would have won the 2020 election...  not that at all...  what it means is that the DEMOCRATS are guilty of ELECTION INTERFERENCE...  which is exactly what the DOJ is claiming that Trump did.

Personally, I don't think that either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris would make a good President...  but that is not the point...  the point is that the DEMOCRATS have in the past and will continue in the future, do conduct themselves inappropriately in order to win elections.

Is this the kind of country in which we want to LIVE???

If your answer is YES...

then vote for Kamala Harris.

If your answer is NO...

then vote for Donald Trump.

Your choice is very clear.  Forget what the Founding Fathers wanted.  This is no longer their country.  They created a country based upon lies, being part of the elite, and influenced by their prejudices.  Our Founding Fathers saw blacks as being only TWO-THIRDS of a person.  

How can you support that kind of a mentality?

You cannot.

Two Hundred and Forty-eight years later, our values have changed; our beliefs have changed; our interests have changed, and our future has changed.  We no longer have the MINDSET of 1776...  

WE HAVE EVOLVED both emotionally, mentally, physically, and intellectually.

Technology rules our world.

You should vote for your FUTURE, not necessarily what you may want or what you think you may want NOW.

Technology will influence our world more and more.

Humanoid AI Robots will take our jobs and force us into a future just like our Founding Fathers forced us into their future.

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