Sunday, September 1


Humans evolved from apes, and are most closely related to chimpanzees and gorillas:

Common ancestor
Humans and great apes shared a common ancestor that lived between 8 and 6 million years ago.
Humans split from the lineage of apes that eventually gave rise to gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and bonobos.
The last split between humans and chimpanzees and bonobos occurred around 8–4 million years ago.
Chromosome 2
During this split, two other chromosomes joined to form chromosome 2, leaving humans with 23 pairs of chromosomes, compared to 24 for other apes.
Evolutionary tree
Humans are one of over 200 species in the order of Primates and are nested within the great ape family.
Homo heidelbergensis
Humans most likely evolved from Homo heidelbergensis, the common ancestor they share with Neanderthals.
Homo sapiens
The oldest known remains of Homo sapiens date to about 315,000 years ago.
SOURCE:  Smithsonian's Human Origins

Tell me...
How does this reconcile with what is written in THE BIBLE?

Wouldn't you expect that GOD would know the origins of mankind?

Especially since the Bible claims God made man in his own image and in his own likeness...

Who do you believe?
Who do you want to believe?
What is our TRUE creation story?

I don't mind having faith as long as my faith is based upon TRUTH.

There is nothing worse than being LIED TO...

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