Saturday, September 7

HURRAY for Christians


Tongue in Cheek TITLE...  just to catch your attention.

Christians are in DEEP SHIT TROUBLE globally with the rise of ISLAM due to the MUSLIMS that are relocating all over the world...  some of whom are marrying local males and females in the hopes of converting them and their children to ISLAM.

Many of us may not see this as a problem but if this continues for the next two decades, the world could have a majority population of Muslims/Islamic Faith.

When that happens, Christians will be persecuted like never before because the only good Christian according to Muslims is a dead Christian.

Can you imagine the country of Italy and the city of Rome changing from a majority of Christians to a majority Muslims???

It does not matter if you believe in GOD or not because MOST ALL MUSLIMS are FANATICS and ZEALOTS...  and, with their ignorant upbringing, they never have any desire or inclinations to question their faith.

Many of us Christians still do not perceive that Muslims are a threat to us, since the Quran preaches PEACE...  Just like words in the Bible that are interpreted by Christians so too are the words in the Quran interpreted by Muslims.

Watch out people...

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