Saturday, September 14

2024 November


It is widely believed by many people, experts, talking heads, political pundits, etc., that Trump is going to lose the election.

If I am correct, this will be the first time in our history where a presidential candidate was initially told by the party, they did not want her as their candidate only to be selected as VP and is now supported by the party as a presidential candidate.

It makes you wonder why they did not want her i 2020 but want her in 2024.

For many of us, both liberals and conservatives, the 2024 election is a CROSSROADS.  If the conservatives win, the liberal agenda will be put on hold for more than just four years.  If the liberals win, then the conservative party is all but DEAD in the USA.

In my opinion, the liberals are much more politically cunning than the conservatives.  They have been working on a plan for YEARS to prevent conservatives from ever getting control of Congress and the Presidency ever again.  The only way that would change would be for the LIBERALS to screw up horribly.

In 2024, with a liberal President and Congress, all the illegal immigrants will be made US citizens and most of them will vote liberal because of all the FREE HANDOUTS by the govt.

With that done, the liberals will increase the size of the Supreme Court so that the liberals will have a majority and the first thing they will do is reverse the abortion decision from the states back to the federal government.

The liberal congress will then pass reparations for all descendants of black slaves.  Not only will this increase taxes, but it will piss off a shit load of white people, most of them conservative who will be powerless.

Our Democracy is based upon what the majority wants.  If the majority, in 2024, want to go liberal then this is will of the people and those who lost must accept the NEW ORDER.  This is how we roll here in the US of A.

The problem is, I fear, we will regret our decision down the road, and it will be too late to turn around.

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