Sunday, August 4

Our Political System

 Our political system here in the USA has been basically a two-party system since the 1800s more or less.  Those two parties are the Republicans and the Democrats.  

There is a very small independent party and while there have been several independents elected to Congress, they are in a minority and usually vote with the Democrats.

However, inside the Democratic Party, you have Progressive Democrats, Traditional Democrats, and Socialistic Democrats.  Within the Republican Party, traditional conservatives, religious conservatives, and pragmatic conservatives.

Unfortunately, all these political divisions, alone, are not strong enough to form several different parties that compete for the general public vote.  Consequently, and for the most part, the general public is completely dissatisfied with both political parties because neither party is really doing anything for the general public other than doing what THEY THINK IS BEST for their constituents or what will get them re-elected.

At the present time, the Democratic Party has the added support of the mainstream media, and numerous federal agencies, as well as numerous big tech companies to help them spread their message.  In so doing, there are numerous instances of where the conservative voice HAS BEEN CENSORED.

IF AND WHEN, the conservative party is so censored that they never again have an opportunity to control the Congress (House and/or Senate) or get elected to the Presidency, then America, BY DEFAULT, becomes a one party ruled country.

Here are examples of one party ruled countries:

  • Russia
  • China
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Cuba
Obviously, there are more countries than this, but you should be getting the point.  A One-party rule country (even though there might be other parties) are either DICTATORSHIPS or COMMUNIST.


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