Sunday, August 4

My Retired Life


My wife and I have been retired since 2015 or almost 9 years at the end of 2024.  Our health is not excellent but moderate to good when compared to other people our age (76/71).  

My wife is about to have her second hip replacement and has been in cancer remission for over five years.  She is suffering from severe arthritis in her spine, whereas I am a little worse off with a fused lower back (5 disks), heart disease (2009 heart attack), and I am currently under treatment for two cancers (lymphoma and melanoma).

While my illnesses may seem like a lot, I still feel fairly healthy from one day to the next except for daily fatigue.  Daily fatigue is a result of my current treatments plus the fact that I have been receiving treatments for sixteen years.  Symptoms build up in your body over a period of time.

My daily routine:

  1. I am usually awake and out of the bed by 7:30/8:00 am.
  2. After peeing and taking my thyroid pill, I give a treat to our three cats and let them outside.
  3. Coffee is made and I watch FOX News for no more than two hours while I allow the caffeine to stimulate my bowels.
  4. Breakfast is made and eaten while I work on my two daily blogs.
  5. My blog activities usually take me to noon or 1:00pm.
  6. My morning pills are taken.
  7. Lunch is made
  8. I work on my novels for 2-3 or 3-4 hours in the afternoon, in and around mowing the yard and/or weed eating (outside activities last 60-90 minutes).
  9. There is sometimes an afternoon nap of 1-2 hours
  10. Dinner is made.
  11. A movie is watched in the evening, or I listen to an audible book.
  12. I will read postings on "X" or watch a Dan Bongino podcast on Rumble.
  13. Take my evening pills
  14. Go to bed sometime between 9:00-10:00pm
Obviously, this routine is not perfectly consistent from one day to the next and will vary because there are all kinds of doctor's appointment I have to go to, like:
  • family doctor
  • oncologist
  • dermatologist
  • cardiologist
  • treatments
  • urologist
  • physical therapy
  • ENT visits
  • Dentist
Sometimes, I drive my wife to Nashville for orthopedic visits at Vanderbilt, as she now prefers those doctors to the doctors in Knoxville.

My wife and I also go out shopping together sometimes, as well as out to dinner and or brunch no more than once a week.

I also walk around the neighborhood sometimes and visit with neighbors.

Then, my wife and I go on two weeklong vacations which has changed dramatically from 2015-2000 (before COVID) where we vacationed for a week every other month.

My wife and I have a laid back, not really wanting or needing much lifestyle.  We don't smoke and don't drink alcohol and feel no need to go to parties or out clubbing or dancing.  Neither of us like big city life.  We have all the entertainment we need at home through our WIFI fiber optic connection, ROKU device, laptops, ipads, and smart phones.

What underscores our lifestyle is the fact that we are DEBT FREE.  We do what we want, when we want.  We have worries about crime and violence in East TN nor do we worry about illegal immigrants invading our location.

  • UT Medical Center is 45 minutes away
  • Knoxville airport is 60 minutes away
  • Grocery stores and gas stations are 1-2 miles away
  • Restaurants are 10 miles or less away
  • Smokey Mtns are 60 minutes away

There is plenty of entertainment, restaurants, gas stations, shopping areas, lakes, hiking trails, campgrounds, and picnic areas nearby where my wife and I have more than ample availability of activities.


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