Thursday, April 15

The Killing of George Floyd Trial

DEREK CHAUVIN is on trial for killing George Floyd and unless you got your head up your ass, you are aware of this trial and the circumstances of George Floyd's death that caused race riots all over the United States...  There is no doubt or little doubt in the minds of the general public that extraordinary measures were taken by the police officer as George Floyd was being detained...  and that because of these extraordinary circumstance, his unnecessary death resulted.  The police officer in question was charged with several counts of murder...  and now a jury will decide his fate.

It is entirely likely that when this police officer goes to jail and no matter how long his sentence is, the fact remains that BLACK INMATES at his location are going to find some way to KILL HIM...  or execute him as he executed George Floyd.

If the sentence of Derek Chauvin (this killing policeman) IS NOT what the BLACK COMMUNITY WANTS then ALL HELL is going to break loose all over the US as blacks take to the streets, burning, rioting, and looting...  I don't know this for sure, but one can easily guess that this will happen, especially since it happened right after the killing.

JUSTICE IN AMERICA is biased in this case in order to achieve a greater purpose to ease racial tensions...  but, is this the underlying intent of JUSTICE...  ignoring the TRUTH in favor of future convenience?

What I have heard on the TV News and/or read, this policeman IS GUILTY of taking this man's life...  but, did he do this intentionally or with premeditation.  He was obviously racially biased and should have never been in law enforcement to begin with...  the vetting process should be evaluated and modified to prevent people like this from being employed...

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