Monday, April 5

Syria's All Female Militia

 Sasha Ingber writes...

In northern Syria, east of the Euphrates River, a women’s militia has been battling ISIS -- and battling the odds.

"We just want peace. We just want women to live safe," says Lana.

She is a 32-year-old YPJ fighter -- no spouse, no children. She says she’s one of 35,000 mainly Kurdish women who’ve joined the cause.

"It's like to be one soul in, in many bodies," she tells Newsy.

The militia started in 2013, as a way of protecting neighborhoods during the civil war. Then they started fighting ISIS terrorists who captured, sold and enslaved women and girls. In the strife came opportunity for women to rewrite the rules governing their lives.

"What they are doing is one of the most far-reaching experiments in women's equality, any place in the world. Every town they took from ISIS has a male and a female head of the civil council. There's a women's council in every town. There are women judges trying cases," says Gayle Tzemach Lemmon.   READ MORE

COMMENT:  As a white male Vietnam Veteran, it amazes me how all the other countries throughout the world put females into combat zones and yet the United States does not think that is appropriate for American females.  We have females in the military but not a whole lot of them are sent into combat zones.

Why do American Females NOT WANT to be by the side of their male counterparts in a combat zone?

If we ever have a war fought inside the United States, I am pretty sure that you will see females fighting beside males...  and, perhaps that is what should happen to WAKE UP Americans...  that we are not as special as we think we are...

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